vw, that's the cutest tree! I love the ribbon.
I'm not having a tree this year. I gave my good fake to my daughter, along with all the ornaments. She gets more of a kick out of it than I do. I often wondered why my mother gave up having a tree, I just couldn't understand that. Now, I do. I just think it's more work than I want to deal with. But, if others want a tree, that's great; I can still enjoy the pretty!
vw, what brand is yours/where did you buy it?
A walk through a parking lot that bordered a tree lot on Saturday convinced me that I'll be going the artifical route this year.
It's a lovely tree.
I have a fire and snow. That's festive, yes? Except for the part where the snow is freaking me out a little. I took pictures.
I think that's why I don't have a problem with not having a significant other -- I have AMAZING friends. They fulfill all of my emotional needs and the occasional hook up fulfills my physical needs. I can even get the occasional cuddle when needed.
I nearly envy you, Vor. All that, plus a room of your own and no one complaining about how you put the dishes away.
vw, what brand is yours/where did you buy it?
Um...it's some random Target brand, I think. The box says Enchanted Forest. I've had it for years, though.
A walk through a parking lot that bordered a tree lot on Saturday convinced me that I'll be going the artifical route this year.
Oh, yeah. We went to a nursery this weekend to get wreaths for mom and dad's house. HOLY COW. I didn't even touch anything, and I broke out. It was so pretty, though. They had this massive gift shop, where I was very good and only bought a few, fairly reasonable things. I walked in, though, and my eyes got so big. Dad said, "You look like a kid in a candy store," and I replied, "No, dad. It's more like I've found my mother ship."
vw, that's the cutest tree! I love the ribbon.
Thanks! I almost bought new ribbon today, but I'm glad I didn't. I like this.
I want a live real tree, potted and all. We'll see if I actually get it or not.
vw, that's a very cute tree.
I'm a little worried about putting up our (gloriously fake, white, sparkly) tree this year. I *know* the boykitties will knock things off of it, probably try to climb it, knock it over, and possibly eat it. All of which are Not Good.
I'm a little worried about putting up our (gloriously fake, white, sparkly) tree this year. I *know* the boykitties will knock things off of it, probably try to climb it, knock it over, and possibly eat it. All of which are Not Good.
Jilli, my sister once wired their big tree to the wall with an anchor due to their extreme cat issues (three cats deciding the tree was their personal climbing toy). But that is an extreme measure and one dependent upon your desire to put up the hardware.
But that is an extreme measure and one dependent upon your desire to put up the hardware.
Oh, it's one I've already suggested to Pete. He thinks I'm worrying too much, and that it'll be fine. He (obviously) has never dealt with young rambunctious cats and Christmas trees. Trinian was never as inquisitive and trouble-prone as the boykitties are. Probably because she's a dimiwit, poor fluffy thing.
Jilli, I've been meaning to tell you, I caught up on GCS, and love the lessons.
I need a Lady of the Manners to run my life.