vw, that's a very cute tree.
I'm a little worried about putting up our (gloriously fake, white, sparkly) tree this year. I *know* the boykitties will knock things off of it, probably try to climb it, knock it over, and possibly eat it. All of which are Not Good.
I'm a little worried about putting up our (gloriously fake, white, sparkly) tree this year. I *know* the boykitties will knock things off of it, probably try to climb it, knock it over, and possibly eat it. All of which are Not Good.
Jilli, my sister once wired their big tree to the wall with an anchor due to their extreme cat issues (three cats deciding the tree was their personal climbing toy). But that is an extreme measure and one dependent upon your desire to put up the hardware.
But that is an extreme measure and one dependent upon your desire to put up the hardware.
Oh, it's one I've already suggested to Pete. He thinks I'm worrying too much, and that it'll be fine. He (obviously) has never dealt with young rambunctious cats and Christmas trees. Trinian was never as inquisitive and trouble-prone as the boykitties are. Probably because she's a dimiwit, poor fluffy thing.
Jilli, I've been meaning to tell you, I caught up on GCS, and love the lessons.
I need a Lady of the Manners to run my life.
Awwww, thank you, Daisy Jane!
I hope you're having a good birthday.
I need a Lady of the Manners to run my life.
But that leads to things like being told you're not leaving the house until you put on some eyeliner and lipstick, and hearing rants about how back in MY day we had to walk uphill in the snow *both ways* just to buy stripy tights.
back in MY day we had to walk uphill in the snow
The snow is your fault, isn't it?
And, to think, I am even wearing both eyeliner and lipstick. I feel so betrayed.
But I took pictures of it anyway.
The snow? Or the eyeliner?
The snow is your fault, isn't it?
I did NOT summon the snow demons this time. Not that anyone believes me, but I really didn't.
The snow? Or the eyeliner?
The snow. It's just everyday eyeliner.
I did NOT summon the snow demons this time. Not that anyone believes me, but I really didn't.
No, I believe you.
I'll just have to go find someone new to blame now...