I'm with Ginger on the instant menopause, but mine got delayed for years by Premarin. When I found out what I was taking (because I was stupid and foolishly trusted my doctors and didn't do my research because of denial. And laziness. And denial), then we went to soy substitutes, and alternative methods, and yharr with the hot flashes and the chills, dammit, often at the same time. Also with the metabolism screeching practically to a halt, and the thyroid going, "Don't need me for anything? I'll just be over here, nappingzzzz. Oh, and all that thick shiny hair? Not any more!"
Aimee, you must Netflix or otherwise rent MacLaine's Sweet Charity. Her backup girls are Paula Kelly and Chita Rivera, and there's Montalban and scads of other recognisable faces, and it's *Fosse*, and you can totally imagine Verdon as MacLaine goes through the dances.
It's no substitute for seeing a good production onstage, but it's definitely worth watching.
I want more Matilda pictures TOOO! I know that new-baby smell. Probably the best smell in the world, nuzzling the fuzzy baby skull.
It's BACK! I missed you, little Buffy board!
Yay! It's back! That was close, I almost ran out of reason to procrastinate.
Matilda stories hurt my ovaries, but this
Sara just held up her toy phone and informed me she had a text message.
broke me.
Mom sent me an orchid. It's lovely. A Swiss Beauty. I'm going to kill it. Seems kinda unfair.
Mom quit buying me them for this very reason. So sad. For all involved.
Robin - I'm not even 40 yet and just got slapped with ALL of that. My gyn recommended the NuvaRing. This is only my first month on it, so we will see if it helps the "gee, what fresh hell of PMS/period can we inflict this time".
Ooooo! Ooooo! I know this one too! Except mine isn’t perimenopause; it’s the joy of being me. Saw a new GYN yesterday, and he said my frequency of the changing of the tampon/pad was impressive. Impressive. I’ve always wanted to be impressive at something!
Yay! It's back! That was close, I almost ran out of reason to procrastinate.
I just got home. I was afraid I’d have to actually do dishes or something. Thank god the board didn’t let me down.
and he said my frequency of the changing of the tampon/pad was impressive. Impressive.
For some reason, I heard the word "impressive" in Darth Vader's voice....
For some reason, I heard the word "impressive" in Darth Vader's voice....
BWAH! That made me laugh and laugh and laugh!
Matilda stories hurt my ovaries, but this -- Sara just held up her toy phone and informed me she had a text message -- broke me.
It baffled the shit out of me! She's not even three! How the hell does she know what a text message is?!