I'm sorry, but this...
It's not all your fault, but a lot of it is.
...is bullshit. I didn't attack vw. I said she didn't know what evil lurks in the hearts of men. That's it. I'm not responsible for her hysterics. I'm responsible for my behavior (including what I post) - not her reaction to it.
Whether or not you were out of line in your first post, you definitely were in your second.
I don't think so. I wasn't purposefully trying to make her upset, and when she said she was upset I apologized.
but definitely glib and a tad condescending.
Perhaps. Is that out of line?
I apologized.
You said you were sorry she was upset. You did not say, "I am sorry that what I said upset you." Vast difference. And you know it.
Perhaps. Is that out of line?
Not always. But it is out of line to not directly apologize when something you say visibly upsets someone.
Perhaps. Is that out of line?
In this situation, a little bit, yes. Your apology also didn't come across as actually being one.
I suddenly feel very sorry for JZ.
I'm responsible for my behavior (including what I post) - not her reaction to it.
It's yelling, "Fire!" in the crowded theatre... Yes, you have free speech but say some things and you *are* responsible for the reactions. In this case, I feel you were out of line.
I suddenly feel very sorry for JZ.
Fighting mean with mean is probably not the best scenario.
t /Doblerette
I mean seriously, are you so bored on a Saturday night that you can't even dig up some semblance of empathy for a suck-ass situation that someone is in?
Yes, Aimee, it's right here on my calendar. "Stir up shit on the board and upset vw for no particular reason."
I thought it was a dangerous illusion for vw to believe she could spot a sociopath or abuser. Certainly there are signs to look for; certainly it's better to be wary and on guard. But presuming that she could spot an abuser without evidence seemed as dangerous as blind trust.
That seemed more useful than empathy, but apparently not. I was mistaken.
You are correct Cass. I typed and posted when I should have been more thoughtful. My apologies.
What Cass said.
Perhaps we could all use some Doblerizing.