I already left the house, had breakfast (yum-- spinach scramble), went to Safeway, went to TJs, convinced Ozzie to let me trim one of his whiskers (it had curled so it kept hitting him in the eye), and done a tiny bit of tidying.
I'd say yay me, but I suspect that might be it for the day.
I went out for brunch with E's aunt and uncle, and ran into Sparky, which was really fun! (Also ran into a co-worker, but since he lives in the neighborhood, that's not so surprising.) Sparky says hi to everyone, but she won't be back online until she gets home tomorrow.
I had plans to get my hair cut, but my stylist is working out of the Manhattan branch today, so it'll have to wait until Wednesday. Which means my further plans for the day are going to the gym and reading Lost Girls.
That's really cool, Jess. Did you get to talk to M, too? She's cool.
I didn't, no -- Sparky walked by my table on her way to the restroom and we talked for a bit, but I didn't see her on my way out for some reason. (It's possible I rudely walked right by her, but I was looking, and I didn't see them.)
Which means my further plans for the day are going to the gym and reading Lost Girls.
Have you started reading it yet? I'm curious about it.
SA, potatoes are a nearly perfect food because they can be baked and topped with anything! Chilli & cheese, bacon & cheese, broccoli & cheese, sour cream & chives, or just butter, salt & pepper. Good luck mixing it up. I also like pasta for economy and goodness--you can't go wrong with olive oil and a little bit of cheese (you can always top with fresh tomatoes or some olives or something, too.) Good luck with your food groups! /mommy
Well, we might be sacrificing the green veggies for a few days, but the chilli was great again today with some sharp cheddar on top of it.
I had a really lovely time out on the coast on Ireland today. There will be pictures soon! Some very carefully cropped.
Have you started reading it yet? I'm curious about it.
I haven't, because I want to be able to read it in one sitting if I can. E loved it, and has been after me to start reading it all week because he has nobody to talk about it with.
Friggin triathlon people blocking roads. It took me 40 minutes to get down from my place to just at the Mayfair when i called Polgara to wake up Kristen and take her to the airport. Fuckers are running (biking? swimming? backflipping?) down Highland.
I'd just like to point out that smokers never block traffic so everyone has to be inconvenienced by our annoying habit.
I'd just like to point out that smokers never block traffic so everyone has to be inconvenienced by our annoying habit.
t irony
Yeah, but triathalon runners are representatives of virtue and clean living, whereas smokers are LeperOutcastUnclean.
t /irony