I'd just like to point out that smokers never block traffic so everyone has to be inconvenienced by our annoying habit.
t irony
Yeah, but triathalon runners are representatives of virtue and clean living, whereas smokers are LeperOutcastUnclean.
t /irony
Wow -- I saw several friends praising this post on LJ about the ABC/Disney 9-11 movie, but it's even more powerful than I thought:
We need more people like her.
I am glad to know America can watch America's Funniest Home Videos for the hour before The Path to 9/11 tonight. (I actually watch AFV, but I do think it's a weird lead-in.)
Since I don't watch TV except PBS (and AFV), I didn't actually know anything about the 9/11 docudrama until today.
Also, in public broadcasting news, On The Media on NPR today had two pieces about fandom and defined Kirk/Spock, leading mr. flea to remark, "There are some things I don't want to know about..." Available streaming here: [link]
Ok, everyone here knows that I like to post links to things which are Scary and Wrong. So of course, that's what this post is about. Except I should warn you - this is
scary and wrong. I mean, it's worksafe, but that's about the best thing I can say about it.
OK, I'll jsut come out and link to it: Rapping Christian Pirate Puppets
So. Wrong.
Timelies all!
The housefilk was fun, even if there was more chatting than filking.(That's often the case with these things)Tired now.
t Super Porny Pants swoops into thread. It is an exciting journey for she has been here rarely and certainly not in a long time. She flies around with super speed, reads several hundred posts, smiles beamingly at folks who have never summoned her before, and lands perched on a precipice, fists on hips
Wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more, say no more.
A nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat, eh? Eh? Know what I mean?
Report on the day's activities:
Have been working on paper 1, on Evolution and Intelligent Design. Am stumped as to how to double the length.
Started finding articles for paper 2, on single-sex education.
Soon, I will go down to school and print out said articles and plan for class tomorrow.
Am now having Mac and Cheese, with 3 kinds of extra cheese, plus garlic.
Send motivation.