SA, potatoes are a nearly perfect food because they can be baked and topped with anything! Chilli & cheese, bacon & cheese, broccoli & cheese, sour cream & chives, or just butter, salt & pepper. Good luck mixing it up. I also like pasta for economy and goodness--you can't go wrong with olive oil and a little bit of cheese (you can always top with fresh tomatoes or some olives or something, too.) Good luck with your food groups! /mommy
Well, we might be sacrificing the green veggies for a few days, but the chilli was great again today with some sharp cheddar on top of it.
I had a really lovely time out on the coast on Ireland today. There will be pictures soon! Some very carefully cropped.
Have you started reading it yet? I'm curious about it.
I haven't, because I want to be able to read it in one sitting if I can. E loved it, and has been after me to start reading it all week because he has nobody to talk about it with.
Friggin triathlon people blocking roads. It took me 40 minutes to get down from my place to just at the Mayfair when i called Polgara to wake up Kristen and take her to the airport. Fuckers are running (biking? swimming? backflipping?) down Highland.
I'd just like to point out that smokers never block traffic so everyone has to be inconvenienced by our annoying habit.
I'd just like to point out that smokers never block traffic so everyone has to be inconvenienced by our annoying habit.
t irony
Yeah, but triathalon runners are representatives of virtue and clean living, whereas smokers are LeperOutcastUnclean.
t /irony
Wow -- I saw several friends praising this post on LJ about the ABC/Disney 9-11 movie, but it's even more powerful than I thought:
We need more people like her.
I am glad to know America can watch America's Funniest Home Videos for the hour before The Path to 9/11 tonight. (I actually watch AFV, but I do think it's a weird lead-in.)
Since I don't watch TV except PBS (and AFV), I didn't actually know anything about the 9/11 docudrama until today.
Also, in public broadcasting news, On The Media on NPR today had two pieces about fandom and defined Kirk/Spock, leading mr. flea to remark, "There are some things I don't want to know about..." Available streaming here: [link]
Ok, everyone here knows that I like to post links to things which are Scary and Wrong. So of course, that's what this post is about. Except I should warn you - this is
scary and wrong. I mean, it's worksafe, but that's about the best thing I can say about it.
OK, I'll jsut come out and link to it: Rapping Christian Pirate Puppets
So. Wrong.
Timelies all!
The housefilk was fun, even if there was more chatting than filking.(That's often the case with these things)Tired now.
t Super Porny Pants swoops into thread. It is an exciting journey for she has been here rarely and certainly not in a long time. She flies around with super speed, reads several hundred posts, smiles beamingly at folks who have never summoned her before, and lands perched on a precipice, fists on hips