you say awesome, I say freaky and antipodal. Whichever, they've been together for 36 years.
I meant I am full of awe that you and they have survived this long!
...just kidding.
Crap. I am now in that point at work where I wait for people to get back to me. People who are not in the office. I guess I could start on the next thing, but eh.
It's probably my favorite dad story. My mother is a lunatic. I had to hide tampons in my room all during high school.
Because it would be so much less embarrassing to deal with the consequences of their lack than just having the things conveniently on hand?
Andrea Yates found not guilty by reason of insanity.
I meant I am full of awe that you and they have survived this long!
heh. it was touch and go for while during my teenage years.
Yeah, such a surprise that Andrea Yates was/is insane. Such a tragedy.
No doubt in my mind she was bat-shit craxy, but that doesn't excuse her, and it sure as shit doesn't make her not guilty, even by reason of insanity.
I'm completely and unreasonably angry about this verdict, and I feel like the insanity plea should be completely done away with. There are plenty of bat-shit craxy people (here) that manage to NOT DROWN THEIR CHILDREN.
goes back to angry corner so as not to infect others with it.
But if she's in the hospital...a state mental ward, she's not getting away with anything. Seriously.
Her (now ex) husband put up the fight for the insanity ruling. From what I've read she'll be locked up forever in a hospital as opposed to a prison.
Well, FWIW, there are lots of people who don't fit any standard definition of insane who do awful things to their children, up to and including murder. Every day, and usually don't go to prison for it.
The whole point of an insanity plea is "if I had been in my right mind, I wouln'da done it." (The legal definition of insane is a lack of ability to discern right from wrong.) So, not really an excuse so much as a description of circumstances. Also, IIRC, the worst part of that whole story was that her husband knew she was coming apart at the seams and discouraged her from seeking help for it.
Not only that, she'd had post-partum psychosis with each of their kids. It got worse every time and they continued to have more children. She was on and off of medication and her husband left her alone with their children when he KNEW she was off her meds and batshit crazy.
She's not walking around free. Go visit a state mental hospital. It's worse than prison, seriously. She needs to be in a mental hospital because she's mentally ill.