A windows-gonna-blow-in-a-sec tune.
Lash yourselves to the doorframes.
My coworkers.... OK, so we're outside and there is a squirrel scouring the patio for crumbs.
" Oh man, look at the nuts on that squirrel! They're huge!"
me: ponders for a moment if I really want to be a part of this conversation. Figures it is unavoidable. Looks at squirrel .
"Um, y'all? Those are boobs. It's a girl squirrel. With babies somewhere."
I'm loving the thunder. Possibly because I worked from home today and so am assured that I won't have to try to get home in this mess.
Phooey. kat perez beat me to the ocelot limerick (by Eve Merriam, not Nash), which is one of my favorites.
(Side note: it's entirely likely that Hec will come barging in and insist that it is in fact not a limerick because it's not dirty, that proper limericity depends equally upon both meter and filthiness. Which I think is quite wrong, but he gets very entertainingly ranty about it once you get him all wound up.)
I am VERY pleased with myself to have been inside for all of the storms so far today.
just hot here. no storms here. time to hibernate...
I think we had that storm yesterday. Enjoy!
An anatomically correct gargoyle
How the fuck do they know that it's "anatomically correct"? Did they have a live gargoyle to compare it to?