I am so ouchy. I think I need to sit in an Epsom bath, but I also need to clean up after dinner and brush my teeth, and wow, that sounds like a lot of work. Teaching people how to properly dip kind of sucks. I kept getting flung towards the floor, and strained awkward muscles as I tried to dip myself.
So silly.
Hi, peoples.
Vampire Slayer Act of 2006 Approved by California Assembly No really - that's the name of the act.
Is it wrong to think they should have called it the DNFTEC Act of 2006?
Alibelle, are you teaching dance classes? Details, please.
I'm not teaching, I assist the teacher. It's all part of the fun of getting dance classes for free. It's fun, but at the same time it does get frustrating to constantly start over with people who've never done it before. I sometimes feel like I'm picking up a lot of bad habits without a lot of new skills to offset them. But whatever. It's always fun to dance with the teacher, and that makes it worth it when you also have to dance with people who don't know what they're doing.
It does just underline the fact that I would make a crappy teacher, though. I do not have the patience that it takes to make a truly good teacher. I get annoyed when people don't hang off my every word and do exactly what I tell them. Fifteen times in a row.
Anyway, now it is time for sleepies. I really hope you're feeling better, Perkins, and that Tuesday is much kinder than Monday.
Happy Birthday, Plei!
Wow, I just read some huge series of posts on JournalFen about a long-running sockpuppet campaign in HP fandom.
Makes the kerfuffles I've been involved in sound like pretty small potatoes. Yikes.
People are crazy.
Goddamn. I'm watching a pilot land a jet at O'Hare without any nosegear. Un-fucking-believable.
Say what, brenda??
That's an awesome story, Herah. Your daughter is six? That seems awfully old....
Why in god's name do I love what I love? Couldn't I love fingerpainting instead?
Have you really given fingerpainting a chance?
People are crazy.
Ah, but we knew that.
It seems I am now able to sleep a normal amount -- my early bedtime resulted in an early wake-up, after 8 hours of sleeping, which is good. Last week, I swear I needed 9 hours every night. Jacktarded.
Kudos to that pilot, for sure. Plane is down, and they haven't started unloading people yet, but it looks like he got it down safely. Red-eye from LA.
Are you watching it live, or on TV?
It was really amazing to see - the pilot landed the plane on the rear wheels only, and kept the nose up for looong time while the plane moved along the runway until it finally touched down and came to a halt. Little bit of smoke and sparks, but no, you know, crashing or anything.