But most of my RL friends, while vaguely aware that there's some "buffy board" I post on, don't really know about b.org, I think...but they also don't care.
This is pretty much the case with my family (and the Wallybee). Of course, my dad thinks it's weird, but then he also doesn't see why I take dates to the zoo.
Consuela, thanks for the handwave clarification on The Lake House. I still haven't decided whether to go, which means that I probably won't but may get it on DVD. With Netflix, my infrequent movie-going has become downright rare.
Annoyingly, they're coming with weakness more often--last night I couldn't really cut my food. It's very weird.
Eek, ita. This sounds worrisome. Have you mentioned this to your doctor? It seems to me like the sort of thing that should be mentioned right away because it could indicate more serious problems, not that mindbending pain isn't a serious problem.
::waves shaky fist at mosquitos::
How is this working? 'Cause if it helps at all, I'll join in!
ita is beginning to seem like a House case. Which, if she were not struggling and very real, would be some damn fascinating TV, I have to say.
ita is beginning to seem like a House case. Which, if she were not struggling and very real, would be some damn fascinating TV, I have to say.
"Come on, kiddies! What's the differential diagnosis for killing people with your pinkie?"
So, not turning the lights on in the living room sure does help with the whole going to bed ridiculously early thing, I've got to say.
Air conditioning has *finally* been achieved at casa de bon Bob.
Got to tell somebody this:
This afternoon, while coloring, my 6yo daughter suddenly burst out, "But Mommy, no one ever
loses their innocence. Because nobody can ever know everything. So even Grandma-in-Heaven still has innocence."
I knew it followed on from a discussion with her father (I tell her not to wish her life away; he delves into the tragedy of lost innocence) and she's not clear on the difference between innocence and ignorance. But my mother was astonished.
Wow, that's kind of...wow.
Also, good to see you!
Nice. I feel like I have recaptured some innocence now.
That is one adorable kid, Herah.
libkitty, my headache specialist did ask if they came with weakness, and I wasn't sure at the time, since I do tend to bail on doing anything when I'm under the influence. But I'm trying to work through them more, to recapture control. So I'm noticing it more.
Speaking of working through, I finally felt passable this evening, so I went to krav. As soon as I walked into the classroom the instructor squinted at me and mouthed "Migraine?" So the list of krav people who can tell by looking is up to three.
And then my partner hit me in the head with a broomstick.
Why in god's name do I love what I love? Couldn't I love fingerpainting instead?
On the upside, two ebay dresses came in. One needs altering, and the other fits just fine. For now. I'm sure I'll change shape in the next week.