Say what, brenda??
That's an awesome story, Herah. Your daughter is six? That seems awfully old....
Why in god's name do I love what I love? Couldn't I love fingerpainting instead?
Have you really given fingerpainting a chance?
People are crazy.
Ah, but we knew that.
It seems I am now able to sleep a normal amount -- my early bedtime resulted in an early wake-up, after 8 hours of sleeping, which is good. Last week, I swear I needed 9 hours every night. Jacktarded.
Kudos to that pilot, for sure. Plane is down, and they haven't started unloading people yet, but it looks like he got it down safely. Red-eye from LA.
Are you watching it live, or on TV?
It was really amazing to see - the pilot landed the plane on the rear wheels only, and kept the nose up for looong time while the plane moved along the runway until it finally touched down and came to a halt. Little bit of smoke and sparks, but no, you know, crashing or anything.
On tv. I am not at the airport. They knew the plane was coming in though so they had the cameras on it when it touched down.
Sounds like I missed an exciting (and happy-ending) airplane story last night. Right now I'm trying to convince myself to get dressed and off to work. I might as well bring spare underwear and a fresh shirt for when I get to work, because it's going to be hot enough that I'll be disgustingly sweaty by the time I get there.
This just happened fifteen minutes ago. I am also resisting the need to get up and get ready for work.
Eeek! Okay, I should pay more attention to those time stamps!
Yikes, brenda. Kudos for that pilot, huh?
Speaking of working through, I finally felt passable this evening, so I went to krav. As soon as I walked into the classroom the instructor squinted at me and mouthed "Migraine?" So the list of krav people who can tell by looking is up to three.
And then my partner hit me in the head with a broomstick.
Why in god's name do I love what I love? Couldn't I love fingerpainting instead?
Oh, ita.