That is so funny! I've got to get more little chase toys out for Amarna (yesterday I finally took away her big scratching box, which was the wardrobe box I had all my boxes I used in my move--she's missing it terribly this morning). I did buy her some new feather-sticks, a catnip-infused beanbag-type thing she was hugging to her chest and licking, and a fresh container of actual 'nip (she was flying high on it last night--rolling around the floor, attacking her cloth bag that she sleeps on, and running at top speed around the place).
Speaking of animals, I just found out that Mama Deer finally came back for her baby that she had tucked under the tree outside my office window about ten hours after she left it there.
Did you know that Californians don't have garage/yard sales, they have art sales?
I swear, the people who work in this place are just
Have you ever been tempted to do Pippi Longstocking braids?
How do you make them stand straight the way they do? As a kid, I loved it when my mom had the patience to braid my hair like Laura from the "Little House of the Prairie".
Oh, and I absolutely loved smonster's picture of you dancing with Em.
How do you make them stand straight the way they do?
The handful of kids I knew who dressed as Pippi for Hallowe'en cut up wire coathangers and slipped the wire (sometimes with a little cotton ball at the end so it didn't poke their head) into the braids. Hey presto, sticky-outiness!
cut up wire coathangers and slipped the wire (sometimes with a little cotton ball at the end so it didn't poke their head) into the braids
Next Purim, I'm totally trying this.
Also, pictures!
I won't be able to resist.
How are you feeling, by the way? I loved the early-pregnancy pictures of you from th F2F. That glow thing they say about some pregnant women came through, for you, even in still pictures.
My day is almost over. it cannot come too soon. nasty cough.
I'm feeling fine, except for the incessant burping, and that's really more embarrassing than miserable. I can't believe Tom Scola and Kate P have been so polite about not mentioning the spectacular bout of frat-boy belches I ripped loose with when they were visiting Chez Zmayhem on Monday (it was a comfort to Hec to finally have witnesses to the gallery of auditory horrors he's been living with since January).
Timelies. Finally caught up here after an extended family weekend in Maine. Still 500+ behind in bitches.
Ya know, it doesn't have to be warm (in fact, given how gross last Thursday's summer preview was, I'm going to be the weirdo and say I like the temprature as is), it doesn't even have to be sunny, it just really really really really REALLY NEEDS TO NOT BE FUCKING RAINING NO NOT EVEN DRIZZLE NOT EVEN MIST JUST FUCKING STOPSTOPSTOP!!!!!!!!!!!! I'LL HARM YOU!!
Ahem. That felt good. Thanks for letting me vent.