Is Hecubus around? I need someone to tell me what to do with my hair.
You're getting good advice on the layers, but do be sure to emphasize to your stylist that you want to keep the length to about your bra strap. You can also have the hair cut at an angle framing your face a little bit. This will give some movement and shape to your fine hair. At your length it won't need a ton of maintenance. You can ease into it too. Get it cut to your bra strap, then have them just layer the ends for the last 8 inches or so (they can do this with a razor so it gives it more texture). Razors work very well for giving shape and texture to fine hair.
Bear in mind that shorter layers will fall out of ponytails and into your face, which might be bugsome since you're used to having it pulled back.
Ultimately, I think you'd look best with a shoulder length style with long layers starting below your eyes. But that's for later when you're ready to make a bigger leap.
If Shrift isn't going to have long hair, then this is how she should wear it.