I don't think Joss is a chauvanist pig. I also don't think his womens' studies degree gives him a free pass. As Plei says, he's got his blind spots like everyone else.
And as for why I suspect sex & sexuality will play a large role in the show...it's on television. Which by and large tends to sex up what can be sexed up.
To me, it just sounds like these people are stuck in the matrix and eliza is starring as keanu.
To me, it just sounds like these people are stuck in the matrix and eliza is starring as keanu.
...which has me now imagining Eliza macking on Carrie Anne Moss. This is not a bad thing.
To me, it just sounds like these people are stuck in the matrix
Yeah, that's kind of the qualmy part for me. It could be quite PhilDickian... but I'm not sure that's Whedon's strength.
What would you say his strength is?
Characters. Giving you reasons to love them. That's my answer. I'm amazed by how many people working in TV lack that talent.
You guys are all alot deeper than I am. My first thought was of Mr. Roarke standing next to Tattoo saying "Welcome to the Dollhouse!"