Somewhere I read that most of the scenarios would not be sexual.
The two articles I read mentioned sexual as well as a bunch of other stuff. To give it equivalent weight to the each other scenario discussed, it would definitely not be in the majority.
Anybody else have qualms?
sounds a lot like Molly's backstory in Neuromancer? Not a qualm exactly. I'd like to see that movie be. But if the smart gets overwhelmed, I'll have qualm.
I have qualms, but not about that. There are male and female dolls, so I don't see how the premise inherently objectifies women. It seems like it's more about being an actor than being a woman.
It certainly sounds human conditiony. Joss has posted on Whedonesque clarifying Miracle Man is still up. Which we know.
Two Tim's for the price of one in 2008. And he's free to me. Oh world, I love yee.
Congrats to Joss, Tim, and Eliza! This is unexpected, but awesome.
When they run a blurb in Maxim about this show, the readers there aren't going to be thinking, "Hmmm, that's really an incisive metaphor about how young actresses are treated in Hollywood."
Also: the name of the show screams exploitation. The Big Dollhouse is an exemplar of the women-in-prison movie and in the movie Walk on the Wild Side the Dollhouse is the whorehouse. There may be boy dolls but that isn't the implication of the title. Doll Squad wasn't about GI Joe.
Also: after the Buffybot, and whasshername, Katrina? Warren's ex that the Trio mind controlled, and Mr. Universe's sexbot I'm getting kind of suspicious about this corner of Joss' psyche.
I trust that Joss and Tim are fantastic writers and directors, and that Eliza is a very talented and charismatic actress. But I think people are going to gag on the premise. You're going to see a real backlash from people like Stephanie Zacharek.
Hec do you have qualms about the premise, or qualms about how other people will react to the premise? I had thought the former, but your next post reads more like the latter.
Without knowing anything else, the title
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
sounds like a sexploitation B horror movie too.
Book and cover.
I'm pretty sure the title kept Buffy out the mainstream, though, which I'm sure FOX want. Yep, I managed to get to 4pm before getting negative.
sounds a lot like Molly's backstory in Neuromancer?
Yes. thank you I've been trying to think of that all morning but clearly my brain got damaged last night (I just read that for the first time a couple of months ago).
Regardless of how the premise will be received I'm excited to see what Joss & co. will do to twist it and defy people's expectations.