and Seth Green, who is filthy stinkin' rich and a decade younger than me and before whom, if actual contact ever happened, I would be dead certain to make such a fannish ass of myself that he wouldn't touch me with a 10-foot pole (but he'd be all nice and polite about it, because that's how he is, which is why he's on my List).
I've run into him on public transportation twice now. I could FedEx him to you...
A friend of mine has seen Sufjan Stevens on the subway twice now.
A friend of mine has seen Sufjan Stevens on the subway twice now.
I'm not entirely sure I could prevent myself from hugging him. Ever so gently.
Remotely real-world accessible=OFF THE LIST. This seems like a good safe rule.
t crosses JZ off List
t grumbles
t moves George Clooney up a notch
I could FedEx him to you...
He'd just perfectly fit in a FedEx envelope, wouldn't he?
He'd just perfectly fit in a FedEx envelope, wouldn't he?
He really would. So long as I can smooch him first I'll be happy to do it.
I ran into George Clooney a few years ago, but he's still on my List. I made an ass of myself in front of him, so I figure he's safe because I'll likely never see him again and even if I do, I won't be near his list.
I hope it's a good offer. And my job description does not include such things as "Feed the sharks every Tuesday."
"Other duties as assigned" can cover a multitude of sins. Though personally I'd be happy to have that in my job description. (I almost wrote "on my list" and then realized that that would be a clash of conversations nobody needs to see.)
One of those stupid telemarketers just called to talk to Teacup Guy, and when I told him he was at work he wanted to know if he was speaking to Mrs. Teacup Guy, my response was something along the lines of a mumbled, "What? No!" like a silly teenager. It was so weird to hear someone say that.
My program manager and contracts manager are discussing loudly the fact that he (program manager) works his own schedule regardless the real schedule the rest of us have to keep to in order to meet our deadlines. We have tried to get him to understand how distruptive his schedule is - but he is quite determined to defend his process and make everyone else bend to his ideas.
He sounds like he is five years old.