My program manager and contracts manager are discussing loudly the fact that he (program manager) works his own schedule regardless the real schedule the rest of us have to keep to in order to meet our deadlines. We have tried to get him to understand how distruptive his schedule is - but he is quite determined to defend his process and make everyone else bend to his ideas.
He sounds like he is five years old.
David Bowie. Not that it would ever happen, but if by some chance he decides he wants a NeoVictorian Perkygoth girl, I'm his. Pete understands that he's not allowed to raise any objections.
(Tho' recently I had an odd dream where Pete informed me he was running away for the weekend with Cathrine Zeta Jones, but he wanted to make sure I wouldn't be upset, so he got me the lead singer for My Chemical Romance as a present, and I didn't mind, did I? My brain is a very strange place to be sometimes.)
David Bowie.
Guh. I ran into him (not literally) in a movie theatre once. Normally I try to be discreet about ogling celebrities, but for him, my lizard brain made an exception. (As in, I whipped around so fast I almost fell over. It was worth it.)
Actually I would start at the end of this month on a sort of probationary admittance if everything goes alright with the application.
Oh, that's very exciting! I redouble the ~ma.
Also, I like the sound of those sneakers.
Great gobs of sympathy for everyone with leg cramps. I am (knocking wood) not one of you at the moment, but I know and hate that pain.
I've never had a List.
Seth Green is going to appear as himself on Entourage this season. Should be fun.
Normally I try to be discreet about ogling celebrities, but for him, my lizard brain made an exception. (As in, I whipped around so fast I almost fell over. It was worth it.)
You lucky, lucky creature.
I'm List could take up this board(and feature some of its members, probably.)
But of course I'd make special room for:
Kyle Secor(I could work my half-assed Buddhism on him)
James Marsters(we all know why!)
Jon Stewart( with or without the Bush-cackle)
Idris Elba(Because he actually made me say "What's a little heroin?" out loud in front of people...I'm thinking that's a crush, yeah?)
Domenic West: Because he can smile as if he knows what I look like naked and it's a pleasing thought, and because I like both of his voices.)
This is totally arbitrary and right-now-and it's fucking great, and without my team switch list. Or Clooney.
I don't really have a List anymore. Besides, my number one would be a fictional character: Scully. Be still my heart!
Seth Green is going to appear as himself on Entourage this season. Should be fun.
I *just* cancelled HBO. *sigh*
And I'm returning one DVR and cancelling our landline phone service. We both have cell phones and cable internet--we don't use our regular phone nearly enough to justify spending $40 a month on it.
This should pare down our Time Warner bill significantly. I'm trying to think of who I should be notifying that our phone number has changed besides family.
Ailleann, sorry you missed my email! We did go to see Lifehouse--although it was tough going. DH was late getting home and I nearly didn't go. Lots of pains in the ass goings on--including the fact that the only scalper on the street sold his last ticket to the guy in front of us so we had to pay box office price.
They played so much stuff from their first CD. Jason Wade is MIIIIIINE.