It is very quiet in here this morning.
It worked better for me than an alarm, because I couldn't get the whistling sound to stop until I got out of bed.
Very effective. Have fun with your mom today!
Anyone have any hints on getting a good car rental deal?
Sometimes they run specials online, Suzi, but other than that I got nothin'.
Sara is so sick this morning -- a really juicy cough that just won't stop. The funny thing is, she seems so pissed off about it. Like her little body has betrayed her.
Aww. Poor Sara. I hope she feels better soon.
Well, she certainly hasn't lost her appetite. She's already on second breakfast. But the coughing just seems to baffle and infuriate her. I know how she feels.
Poor Sarah! Poor sj! Hugs all around.
I just had an interesting treat from my body. I had the hiccups, and after one, I just puked. Glad that didn't happen at class. Yuck.
Still got the hiccups too. Blech.
Oh vw, I hate it when that happens. It's reflux, I think, not the flu, but still... NASTY.
Oh, yeah. I'm sure it's not the flu, but ick. And so unexpected!
Seekrit message to Cashmere:
I suck. Hope the concert was good.
Punctuation for all, especially Gud, as he seems to not deserve so much unhappiness.
I am taking care of two cats this week, while my old roommate sorts out issues with his current roommate. Allergies notwithstanding, they're entertaining to have around, though now that the younger one has matured they look exactly. the. same. Both black, only difference is that Sage has greenish eyes, while Charcoal's are more golden.
I think, however, that I've discovered I'm not a cat person. I feel like such a heathen. I think maybe I'm not a pet person in general, and it makes me sad.
t /mememe
I have given notice! Whee!
Yay, Nora! Mom is here. I must go be productive.