Emmett's last day is my birthday!
Emmett's first day of summer is
When is Plei? 18 or 19, I am thinking.
I just scooted forward on the couch to reach the box of tissues far away on the coffee table. Puppycat was nooked next to me and when I moved, she followed. And fell off the couch. She's dim and the whole gravity thing is sooooo confusing.
Gud - I wish I had some reasonable advise for you. You can only do what you are doing. You are "stoic for the kids" most of the time, from the sounds of things, but you are also human. Kids are smart. They "get" what is happening around them.
I'm one to talk, but maybe that is why I understand what you are going through.
In lighter news, what should I say in my bio statement for this article? Because right now all that is going through my mind is "Lives in Phoenix. Cup of tea. Almost got shagged." My life strikes me dull at the moment.If it was for Slayage, I could use that, but...
(((Gus))) I know we only hear your side on all of this but I just feel so broken-hearted for you. You deserve so much happiness and peace. And to be surrounded by people who actually appreciate you.
Being a grown-up sucks. Mostly because of other grown-ups too.
Also, I'll help you hide the bodies. In the Valley of the Kings, if need be.
Fresh mummy, get your fresh mummy here. Fresh mummy. Everybody likes a new mummy...
Fresh mummy, get your fresh mummy here. Fresh mummy. Everybody likes a new mummy...
What flavor is it?
It's mummy - it hasn't got a flavor!
"Lives in Phoenix. Cup of tea. Almost got shagged."
Love this. And kinda would love to see you use it.
erika, my bio for
Lost In The Grooves
reads, in its entirety, "JZ lives and works in San Francisco. When things get rough, she likes to ask herself, 'What Would Buffy Do?'"
First off, Gud. I adore you. I think you are one of the finest father's out there and one of the most patient husbands and while there are a lot of men out there like you, there are more who should strive to be you. But, being the blunt person I am, I ask you this with every ounce of love and respect; what are you teaching your children about marriage by staying with your wife and letting her treat you like piece of crap? From what we are able to see, and granted it's one side, you are constantly being berated, belittled, and abused in an emotional and mental way by your wife. Does this happen in front of the kids? From what your daughter said to you, I have to think yes, at least sometimes. And I wonder what peripheral message they are receiving. I'm know that you love those kids like crazy and do everything within your power to make sure they know that, but I worry about them, and of course, you too. I don't like seeing any of my friends being abused this way.
Again, I am NOT criticizing your marriage, your child rearing, your decisions AT ALL. I'm just...trying to have a better understanding. And please, poke me with a great big stick if I've stepped over any boundaries here.
I thought things were going better marriage-wise, but I think I may have blown it.
Gud, I know that we only hear your side of things, but here's my opinion, straight up: failing to water the plants well enough is NOT "blowing it." In fact, I don't think there's anything you could do to the plants, up to and including smoking them and sticking them in your bottom, that would ever be in the realm of "blowing it." They're just plants.
And needing to work late is something that happens to everyone once in a while -- would she be more rage-filled if you got fired for not working late and then no longer had a paycheck? Needing to work late is NOT "blowing it."
"Blowing it," in my book, would be sleeping with hookers. Or not paying the bills so you can support your crystal meth habit that you've been hiding from her. Or putting the kids in danger.
Plants won't die from 4 days of inadequate water, so not even the plants were in danger. This is nuts.
Gud, she's being emotionally abusive to you, and if your daughter is picking up on your reaction, then she's also got to be picking up on the anger and other damaging emotions coming from your wife, and *that* isn't good for the kids.
t edit
[x-post with Aimee the Wise]
I know this is unbearably hard for you -- in fact, since I've never been married, I actually *don't* know how hard it is -- but the situation isn't healthy for you, Gud.
(((Gus))) I know we only hear your side on all
It really is one sided, and I tend to post about stuff when I just need to get something off my chest so it sounds worse than it really is. Maybe I'm just overreacting right now too, I'm just worried becuase things have been better and I don't want to slide back down.
Thanks everybody for the support and being willing to listen to me getting something off my chest.