Crap, Nora. That sucks.
VW, all right!
Kristin, you just got done with grading? *boggles* When do schools in LA get DONE? My last day was 5/30.
Summers as a mom worked, so the lady upstairs watched us. She was a nurse and worked night shift, and he daughter was out age, so we palled around. We spent all day at the pool, listening to "Electric Avenue" and smelling Hawaiian Tropic tanning oil, riding our ten-speeds up and down Kmart Hill, climbing trees and walking from tree to tree on the upper branches, and hanging out in the woods behind the apartment complex and playing war.
When it got hot, or we got hungry, we'd go back inside the AC with our damp swimsuits, eat toast with spaghetti sauce on it, and watch "The Reflex" video about a million times on MTV.
Then mom and dad would come home at about 4:30, and we would come in from the pool and eat dinnner while we watched old Star Trek reruns at 6.
I still buy books instead of lip gloss.
I buy both. No reason not to be a fancified bookworm, I always say.
Well, actually, I never say that. (Except for just now.)
Yay vw!!
Continued yay for Kristin!!
(kicks the ass of Nora's day)
So I was doing some craft stuff while Mal was eating dinner (I am NOT allowed to feed him anymore), sitting next to him and chatting with him, and I apparently can no longer multi-task as I put the tiny drill bit
through my thumbnail, by jamming it under the nail and out through the nail, well below the quick.
There's something about blood welling out of the middle of your nail that's wrong.
Also I broke the drill bit in this maneuver and can't find it. Hopefully I'll find it before Mal does.
vw, that's great news about the loan!
Nora, that does stink. You do not suck, and it is very likely they said no for reasons that do not reflect on you. Here, the thing most likely to determine where your salary falls is equity among staff, rather than cost of living or anything reasonable like that. Because A makes X, B can only make X-Y.
Raq, ouch.
My meeting went okay. However, it generated two more meetings for me. Yucko.
I'm so sorry, Nora -- I think it's fantastic that you got up the bravery to try, but it may very well be that they were more strictly limited in their salary range than you guessed; I doubt it was anything that reflects on you. Still, it sucks to get turned down.