Kissing is good. All this kissing talk has taken me to a lovely mental place...
Well, I believe in the soul, the cock, the pussy, the small of a woman's back, the hanging curve ball, high fiber, good scotch, that the novels of Susan Sontag are self-indulgent, overrated crap. I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I believe there ought to be a constitutional amendment outlawing Astroturf and the designated hitter. I believe in the sweet spot, soft-core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days."
Nora - UTI-monsters need to GO AWAY.
Raq - GUH! I mean, wow! Sexy! And the haircut is nice too.
Woo hoo Kristin! You're done grading!!!
Also missing kissing, thanks to Erin.(Little too early to really crave it, but soon I will)
Looking at lineoleum as I am.
Wow, Raq! The cut's fantastic.
Also, Mal's tongue is a scary, scary thing! It's Gene Simmonsish! Though Mal himself is increasing in cuteness on a daily basis.
Thanks, guys! I was hoping the cut wouldn't be too mommy-ish.
Your hair is naturally curly, right? Can you just scrunch and go with the new 'do?
Yes and yes. Which is the way I like it. And also the way that keeps Mal from getting bored while I'm in the bathroom and dropping my makeup down the bidet.
Oh man, Nora - hope that clears up posthaste.
Mal and I had a pretty good day, despite the lack of beach. We were out and about for hours, and just beat the monsoon-like deluge home.
I have acquired antibiotics. bacteria, FEAR ME! Except the nice bacteria. You guys stay.
I read about folks toughing it out with gallons of water and cranberry juice, and all, but... I can't. I've tried. Now I know that once I am doubled over in pain, it's to the doctor's I go. I don't like having anti-b's but I'm pretty sure I would like a kidney infection a whole lot less.
CJ gets out of school on Thursday and I have made NO plans for his summer. I'm a bad mom. GAH!!!!
Guh! Gorgeous pics, ladies. I'm so in awe of all the hotties we have amongst us.
And Nora, {{{you}}} - I have my fingers crossed that your UTI goes far, far away very, very soon. Taking antibiotics right off the bat is a good thing when it's a UTI, in my opinion. I'm just *now* starting to feel about 80% of my usual self and it's been over a week since the kidney infection started. Health ~ma to you.
sj - If you need a breather or whatever to help get you through today (tomorrow, whenever), my cell is on for texting and I shouldn't be away from the desk phone too often throughout the day. {{{sj}}}
Raq, that's a fabulous haircut! ::curl envy::
Hope those antibiotics do the job, fast, Nora!
There must be a stand-up comedy camp for CJ...