::tosses festive confetti made from shredded-up draft notes for Emily's "Philosophy of Education" essay::
That's a lot of confetti. Ran into my practicum supervisor, who said he recommended my portfolio for Pass With Distinction. I think it only got Pass, which means the other readers didn't agree, but that's still really nice. Er, also I'm not quite sure what it got, because I don't know how really to find out. On my transcript, it says "Portfolio passed 05/06," which could mean that it got a Pass or just that I didn't fail that portion.
That was a heckuva meara.
t is awed by Fay
Yeah! Emily. Congrats!
edit: Not to be confused with Yeah!Emily, although I suppose that the Emily who is being yeahed is yeah!Emily as well.
There is something seriously wrong with my brain.
Thanks, y'all! By the way, not to let the cat out of the bag or anything, but this means Jen has also graduated. I never managed to run into her, but her name was on the program as well, among the rest of the (surprisingly rowdy) nursing students.
Maybe no point in congratulating her just now, as I don't think she's here, but there you are. Double-Buffista graduation!
among the rest of the (surprisingly rowdy) nursing students.
They were definitely having a good time.
And yes, MANY congratulations to Jen too! We wanted to see you, and we will on Sunday.
(surprisingly rowdy)
In my experience, nurses being rowdy is never surprising.
One of the most wondrous benefits of having met Fay F2F is that now I hear her posts in her own sparkling, slightly breathless, positively Izzard-esque delivery, complete with utterly foamy accent.
It does much to make my world a happier place.