I keep aloe in the fridge most of the time (unless I forget, I really need a bottle for the fridge and another for the bedroom since I'm lazy) and apply it any time I start getting too hot. It's very cool and refreshing and it keeps me froming turning down the a/c. If it's really hot and at night I slather on the aloe and then lay in front of the fan, the breeze makes it extra refreshing and much easier to relax.
Oh, Raq. How horrible! And with Mal in tow, too. I have to say, I vote for the drinking heavily right now.
Erin, whoo hoo on surviving the first year of teaching! (And I promise you'll have email later today.)
That's all I've got this morning ... it's hot, I'm still coughing, and I need more tea.
It's cloudy here, but coolish. Excellent.
AMyLiz, take your time. No hurry.
Oh, and € 140 for the tow.
Erin, go you! The world needs more cool teachers like you.
These last few days have really sucked, I tell you what. There have been moments of human kindness, but overall I could do without these days.
These last few days have really sucked, I tell you what.
Yeah, I meant to say welcome home the other day, but now it seems a little inappropriate. Poor Raq.
Oh, Raq. That's horrid. So glad you and Mal are safely home. IMO, your DH owes you extra footrubs and drink-getting and general coddling because of hiding your cell. However much rubbing and drinking and coddling you already deserve merely by being his DW who had a truly shitty, miserable day? Double that, or possibly triple.
My DW just called on the cell phone to tell me the van's break light is on. I offered to come out, but then she said I didn't have any good ideas and hung up on me before I could ask if the parking break may be up a little. Apparently she turned off the phone or isn't answering, so I can't tell her the suggestion.