Oh, Raq. How horrible! And with Mal in tow, too. I have to say, I vote for the drinking heavily right now.
Erin, whoo hoo on surviving the first year of teaching! (And I promise you'll have email later today.)
That's all I've got this morning ... it's hot, I'm still coughing, and I need more tea.
It's cloudy here, but coolish. Excellent.
AMyLiz, take your time. No hurry.
Oh, and € 140 for the tow.
Erin, go you! The world needs more cool teachers like you.
These last few days have really sucked, I tell you what. There have been moments of human kindness, but overall I could do without these days.
These last few days have really sucked, I tell you what.
Yeah, I meant to say welcome home the other day, but now it seems a little inappropriate. Poor Raq.
Oh, Raq. That's horrid. So glad you and Mal are safely home. IMO, your DH owes you extra footrubs and drink-getting and general coddling because of hiding your cell. However much rubbing and drinking and coddling you already deserve merely by being his DW who had a truly shitty, miserable day? Double that, or possibly triple.
My DW just called on the cell phone to tell me the van's break light is on. I offered to come out, but then she said I didn't have any good ideas and hung up on me before I could ask if the parking break may be up a little. Apparently she turned off the phone or isn't answering, so I can't tell her the suggestion.
I was coming in to whine about how I'm sitting under a very large umbrella at my desk because the ceiling in my office is leaking (the A/C line or somesuch is apparently VERY old and maint. is trying to fix it).
HOWEVER - Raq, your day sounds absolutely awful and I'm so sorry you're dealing with that much crud. Bravo on not poking a few unhelpful people with sticks, though. {{{{you}}}}