Oooh, refrigerated aloe vera sounds nice, and I don't even HAVE a sunburn. But memories make me go "oooh"...
Morning bitches! I'm supposed to go pick some stuff up for work, and the past few times it's been around 10, but this time, when I called to get a good time, she said not unitl 10:45! But I was already up and showered. So here I am, on during the day! Madness.
An extra wooo-hoooo from me, Erin. Cause high school students=evil. And you lived. Go you!!!
I got my grade back on my Econ class. I bullied my teammates into a decent paper (gah that was a painful process), kicked ass on the final and pulled out a B+.
New class is "The American Experience since 1945". Should be interesting as long as we don't have to role play like my last history class. I did see in the syllabus that each week we have to write a summary explaining what we learned and "how we intend to use it". Ummmm, new knowledge of past events will hang out in my brain and make friends with odd facts about Jessica Simpson just doesn't appear to be what she wants.
Yay, Sean! Good for you!
{{{Hil}}} Tons of test~ma to you.
I got four boxes unpacked and all of the stuff put away last night. I ended up finding about twenty more journals. Whoever had the brilliant idea of giving them to a women's shelter, thank you; I am going to call them today and see if they will take a good chunk of them. Then I am going to see if I can find some cheap shelving for the rest of the books, because it would feel really good to be totally unpacked this time around.
My car broke down. Halfway to the store, so about 45 minutes from my house. In an insanely congested area. Picture the most congested urban area you can think of, and then remove 2/3 of the available space for that many cars. I tried to push the car onto a side street, but the side street was only one lane anyway, with two-way traffic (and a lot of that). Everybody was honking and gesticulating for me to get out of their way, and I'm like "I'M FUCKING PUSHING MY CAR!!!"
Finally an old man stopped to help me push, but even between us we couldn't quite get it up on the curb, so a young kid got off his motorcycle and helped.
Then I had to walk, carrying Mallory in the 100 degree heat, to the nearest main street, where 14 taxis refused to pick me up because it wasn't convenient for them to go to my neighborhood. Even with the baby it took me a long time to get a taxi.
Mind you, a cellphone would come in really handy about now, but I can't find where the DH put mine while I was gone.
Once at home, I had to call and get a tow truck, and another taxi so I could meet the tow truck. Doing this in a language I actually speak is hard enough - doing it in Greek was extremely frustrating for all parties involved.
Then back into Athens traffic in a taxi with a baby (in arms, no car seat) who is massively jet-lagging.
Analysis: I need to start drinking heavily.
I'm putting on more aloe vera as I post! Ahhhh.
Then I am going to research pontoon boat prices for an upcoming weekend at the lake, and then I am going to write at least two pages on my novel (becuase I feel like ass, but I want to set a habit), and then I will do...something, maybe nap, till I can pick my paycheck up at 2.
Woo and hoo.
Er...sorry, Raq! That sounds supremely serial-killer making.
{{{{{{{{{{Raq}}}}}}}}}}} You poor thing; that sounds so very frustrating.
Jayzus, Raq! That's horrible. Where are the marine guards when you need 'em?
Oh, wow, Raq. That is an extremely shitty day right there. If it makes you feel better, tomorrow has to be better. Plus it means you deserve all the delicious but massively unhealthy foods you want to eat today. And booze. All of the booze.
Egad, Raq. Cold drink (alcoholic or non-, as you prefer) definitely sounds warranted.