Happy Birthday, JZ!
I mean, frankly, I'd rather get my tubes tied.
If you're seriously, absolutely sure about never having kids, you might want to look into Essure. I've been looking into it for myself, but since I've been NGA for so long, it hasn't been urgent. I believe it's a process where they go up through the vagina and uterus to the fallopian tubes, and put plugs in them. Scar tissue grows around the plugs, and the fallopian tubes end up completely blocked. No cutting, no extra hormones, and no babies. Planned Parenthood has a page on their site about this. [link]
AmyLiz, is it possible that your mom meant to say that they'd stripped her membranes and not actually broken her bag of water?
Ah! I will ask. Bad Mom, if so.
Someone make sure his head didn't explode.
Membrane strippage
See, it's think kind of talk that makes people want birth control.
Ya know - for someone who watched his wife go through the nastiness of labor and subsequent Cesarean, I'm suprised at his lack of dealing.
See, it's think kind of talk that makes people want birth control.
No, it's this kind of talk that makes birth control no longer necessary.
"No, honey. Thanks. I'm fine, really. *shudder* strippage."
Ya know - for someone who watched his wife go through the nastiness of labor and subsequent Cesarean, I'm suprised at his lack of dealing.
For both the labor and the C-section I was up by your head, patting your hair and not able to see the ick and the guts.
It's just the words, you know? Membrane...STRIPPAGE.
It's just the words, you know? Membrane...STRIPPAGE
Just try to pretend the word "membrane" isn't there, and you'll be fine.
It's not as gross as it sounds, I think.
Just cause nothing is as gross as that sounds.
It's not as gross as it sounds, I think. Just cause nothing is as gross as that sounds.
Well, as a parent, I've redefined gross.
I'll let Jen explain and the non-parents decide for themselves.
I was just being funny, Plei.
But a lot of things are better than they sound.