Teppy, I think I beat you on the birthday mention this year and mine is after yours.
I have unpacked another box and (mostly) dispursed it's contents to their proper homes! Opening a box of mine is like opening a box where five different people just randomly threw their stuff in. Too much stuff and too many different interests. Antique lace, pez dispensers, journals(I really hope I have finally unpacked them all), and random other stuff in this one.
t is accommodating
Fine. My birthday is now TODAY, thus freeing up June 27 for your in-laws. Cake, please!
Found a new OB/GYN and am making an appointment post-haste.
Happies, JZ!!
(But I'm'a say right up front that I plan to wish you happies again on the 27th, because I'm just That Way.)
Happy modified birthday, JZ!
(Er, ignore the number on that one...)
(But I'm'a say right up front that I plan to wish you happies again on the 27th, because I'm just That Way.)
As long as it's okay with Jess and her in-laws, I'm good with that.
Yay! Pretty cake!
"Happy" birthday to you
Happy "birthday" to you
Happy birthday, "dear" JZ
Happy birthday to "you"
IUDs are quite unlikely to be expelled spontaneously by a woman's uterus, but for some reason women who've never had children are more likely to do the expelling. I honestly don't know why that is from a physiologic standpoint.
AmyLiz, is it possible that your mom meant to say that they'd stripped her membranes and not actually broken her bag of water? Membranes are stripped sometimes a few days before the due date, as a very preliminary way of getting things started, but it's not the same thing as breaking the bag of water and people are often sent home from the clinic afterwards.
Even though she's not due until June 2, they may be trying to encourage labor for a number of reasons, such as levels of amniotic fluid that are tending towards the low side, the size of the baby, hypertension on your sister's part, or a whole host of other things.
Hey, guys, how's it goiAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEE!!!! Membrane strippage.
Outta heah.