my doctor's thing was, why be exposed to the risks when the Nuva Ring works fine without them?
Well, hormone stuff, for one.
And that's my issue, right there. No one will prescribe the pill or Nuva Ring or any of that stuff to me (not that I'd want them, too) because I'm over 35, a smoker, and I have diabetes (which can lead to risk of heart disease). So my options are pretty limited.
Although having Stephen get a vasectomy looks better and better some days.
There are risks with EVERY form of BC. There are risks with having kids, too for that matter. Docs should let women be grownups and decide for themselves which risk they'd like to take.
I mean, frankly, I'd rather get my tubes tied. I know it's more risky than an IUD, but I don't want kids, and I don't want to risk getting pregnant. But finding a doctor that would sign off on it for someone my age and covering the cost is just too much stress for me right now.
Although having Stephen get a vasectomy looks better and better some days.
Y'know, if he's willing, that does sound like your best bet.
(there! I said it! MY BIRTHDAY APPROACHETH!!!),
I was wondering when you'd start your yearly campaign!!! (I love it, by the way.)
On the 29th I have an appointment with the endrochronologist to talk about birth control for the PCOS stuff (my non existent periods and stupid hair in unwanted places), I have no idea what my choices will be but I hope it's something other than the Pill. I'm terrible about remembering to take it at the right time.
I only have three weeks to shop for Tep's birthday present?!?
What happened to the 90 day reminder, dammit?
I was wondering when you'd start your yearly campaign!!! (I love it, by the way.)
Me too.
June 23, if memory serves me correctly.
What happened to the 90 day reminder, dammit?
I'm trying to be less of an albatross as I age.
(Albatross! Albatross!
What flavor is it?
It's a bloody sea-bird; it's not ANY flavor!)
I have NINE June birthdays marked on my calendar, and half of those are family or in-laws. For the sake of my remembering any of them, I must insist that at least two of you move your birthdays to a less crowded month.
t waits...
Teppy, I think I beat you on the birthday mention this year and mine is after yours.
I have unpacked another box and (mostly) dispursed it's contents to their proper homes! Opening a box of mine is like opening a box where five different people just randomly threw their stuff in. Too much stuff and too many different interests. Antique lace, pez dispensers, journals(I really hope I have finally unpacked them all), and random other stuff in this one.