I may have mentioned before, but it's worth mentioning again, that the first time I heard an ad for "eHarmony dating service" on the radio, I somehow thought they said "R. Lee Ermey dating service."
Which I really need to call him about setting up.
Hmm...after several different "experts" have told me I could wear either warm or cool foundation tones, I may have to order a bunch of samples from Alima and see for myself. I love id Mineral Veil, so if the foundation feels like that it's a go.
I'm pretty sure my dad met Robert when R and I were living together. I know R insisted on the formality of asking my dad for permission to marry me. On average, I would say that my dad met 5% of the people I dated; it just didn't occur to me to involve the parental unit.
Of course, there may have been some aversion therapy there: My mom met my first boyfriend, and she was a complete ass to him, then after he left, snarked that he'd probably stolen the earrings he gave me and ordered me to never see him again. He was a perfectly decent normal guy. Mom was a headcase.
Then hmm, let's see...the first guy I was (ahem) physically intimate with? His mother pulled a gun on me. That'll pretty much cool off any relationship.
Hmm...after several different "experts" have told me I could wear either warm or cool foundation tones, I may have to order a bunch of samples from Alima and see for myself. I love id Mineral Veil, so if the foundation feels like that it's a go.
I like the way the Mineral Veil feels better than their Bare Minerals foundation but the Alima? Silkier and better.
Can't recall the tone [and by tone, I mean shade and by shade, I mean are you quite pale?] of your skin but I will bring samples of any that don't work for me to the F2F and dole them out to those who wish. This is one of those "turn two..." deals I think. Same with the eyeshadows. There is already one I thought I would love and it just doesn't play well on me.
I am paler than pale. I define "paleface." I am as pale as it's possible to be without wearing light blue makeup or using black market skin bleach.
Although, when I get sun, the non-British Isles genes kick in and I freckle then tan.
If my samples (just ordered a bunch) get here before I leave I will bring some also.
I am paler than pale. I define "paleface." I am as pale as it's possible to be without wearing light blue makeup or using black market skin bleach. Although, when I get sun, the non-British Isles genes kick in and I freckle then tan.
That was more words than you needed to just say: I am you.
I shall bring samples and stuff that had the wrong undertones or were the wrong color for me.
And if you don't have your samples yet? I will have all my products I am newly in love as well and you are welcome to test them. I get orders here in a day (I suspect two would be max) as they are in Portland as well. So I can shuttle orders to SF happily.
Plei unleashed a monster in me. A girlie monster.
I am paler than pale. I define "paleface." I am as pale as it's possible to be without wearing light blue makeup or using black market skin bleach.
Me too! Me too!
Although, when I get sun, the non-British Isles genes kick in and I freckle then tan.
Oh. No. Not so much. Huh.
My legs don't tan anymore. They used to go dark brown when I was a kid, but now I can be out in the sun for eight hours a day and they'll maintain their almost-transparent whiteness while the rest of me tans. There's something weird going on there.
I've been wanting to try bare minerals for a long time. I may yet get around to it.
The first time Christopher came over to meet my parents, Dad showed him his gun collection. It took me a long time to convince C that Dad really liked him and that this act wasn't a threat. Dad loved his guns and wouldn't have shown them to someone he didn't like.
Not-so-strange-anymore girl sleeping on my couch again. Toto just loves her and jumps all over her. I'm a Very Responsible Pet Owner (TM), and yell at him VERY LOUDLY. She must not find me too rude. She keeps coming back.
vw, hee!
I shall bring samples and stuff that had the wrong undertones or were the wrong color for me.
Oooh! I might want in on that action.
A week from today I'll be... well, I'll still be going to work at this time, but in the afternoon I'll be on a plane and starting my vacation. Whee!
I guess I should really start thinking about what I'm going to pack...
I shall bring samples and stuff that had the wrong undertones or were the wrong color for me.
Me too, my paleskin sisters.