You know, when I was a child, we we fairly poor. We also lived next store to people who ran a fruit and vegetable stand.
The owners used to let me pick strawberries for our family (for free) from the fields that were at the end of their usefulness and not worth their time to pick. I used to spend long days wading through rotten fermeted strawberries to find the ones that were still good enough to eat, and I used to get about one or 2 flats a day (we frose them for use throughout the year).
But the stench of rotten strawberries is disgusting, and to this day I cannot stand it.
Some pictures from the garden.
I once picked 22 lbs of strawberries in SC. I spent the whole summer eating strawberries (froze them, of course.)
They are still reading names for commencement. It started at 9:15. I'm dreading traffic tonight.
What gorgeous roses, Gud! The geraniums and iris are also beautiful.
Sophia, you're downright biblical. Or maybe from Little House on the Prairie.
Either way, I can picture little Sophia and all those strawberries.
that garden gets a lot of love
Or maybe from Little House on the Prairie.
um- I think this is what I was pretending. My mother made me a red calico dress and sunbonnet (like Laura's in the book- Mary's was blue). I think this is why all my neighbors thought I was insane, because that was pretty much what I wore to play.
It was hella fun, though-- I wish I could still do it. There is a local 'back in time" museum, but though I love it, I wish they made everyone dress up and pretend they live there. I mostly like the days when you can go and make soap or candles or something.
This is one hell of an error for a newspaper to make.