I'm folding laundry now! I will continue to be folding laundry until I stop to watch VM (Finally!) when it reairs in an hour.
Sewing-types: I have a pair of sweatpants that I love, but are $26 a pair to buy. Is there any way to reverse-engineer them without taking them apart? They seem to be made of exactly 2 pieces of fabric, which makes me think they'd be wicked easy to replicate.
This rain is of the total SUCK.
Oh holy shit yes!!! The basement here is pretty flooded too, and the landlord seemed to find a way to use his washer in the basement to dispose of the bilge. Suddenly not so unhappy I don't have use of his machines.
I can still here the shit pouring down, but it currently sounds like it's in shower as opposed to deluge mode. Ventured out both days and regretted it both times. The breaks don't last anywhere near as long as the drenches. Meh and feh.
I just watched Thursday's Without a trace. For those who also watched,
Who do you think died, the girl or the boy
. But I have no reasons to back up my hunch.
I agree with Cass. Partly for story reasons, because
won't the press wish they had some good news to report now, to balance out the OMG WHITE GIRL DIED? But they don't, because no one knew the boy was missing.
I just watched the season finale of
The Office.
Did anyone else see it? And did anyone else adore
Jim getting all choked up when he made his declaration to Pam? That just about KILLED me. Plus it's awfully cute Steve Carrell writing in a chance to flirt with his own wife into the script.
Oh, and I really liked they way they showed Jack in the episode --
He was really pissed off about the whole thing within the Bureau, but he's loyal first and foremost, so he didn't let on about any of that, talking to anyone from the outside.
Ahhh, and we seem to be going back to deluge mode.
We're not supposed to get a day without rain until at least the end of the week. Somebody...don't send FEMA.
I am watching Mythbusters right now. In my driveway and garage there are sounds of saws and planers. ( Connie , your friend T is being brought over the the dark side of instrument building...)
Heh, Perkins. Not that either of them absolutely deserves to die, but on balance, the
was being stupider, thus slightly more deserving.