Whoo-hoo! Gas up the schadenfreudemobile - we're going for a ride!
[Ann] Coulter, who appears to have committed a third-degree felony by knowingly giving an incorrect address on her voter registration form in Palm Beach, Florida, and then knowingly voting at the incorrect polling place last March, could face up to $5,000 in fines and five years in prison if convicted.
OK, I hightly doubt she'll spend jail time, but one can dream....
DNA tests later showed the bear had a polar bear for a mother and a grizzly bear for a father.
See what gay marriage leads to?
Today is complicated at work.
My poor tired brain.
Holy Fucky McFuckityFuck.
So, Hec, how would you feel about cancelling our land line altogether and just going with our cranky left-wing cell phone company?
So, Hec, how would you feel about cancelling our land line altogether and just going with our cranky left-wing cell phone company?
But they can nab our cell calls from the airwaves without a warrant or phone company collusion. In fact, I'm sure they're doing that right now.
You know, if I made a list of what I thought constituted a police state I'd start with suspending habeas corpus and the constant surveillience of the citizenry.
A police state has to start somewhere! They're easing us into it.
(My list would start with control over news sources, but that's because I am thinking old-fashioned, third-world coup d'etat, and not the slow strangulation of that etat. It's sort of refreshing, the old-fashioned kind, because at least it's not very debatable that it's happening. Walter Kronkite got arrested? Yep, that's a coup.)
Is Sprint on the list of companies contributing to the police state? I can't seem to get any info out of them by calling.
Hm... Swiss army goes gay!
I used to have a bright pink Swiss army knife. And then some bastard nicked it.