Betsy! Happy, um, third-day-of-your-new-age!
(You people should really stop having birthdays on Saturdays, or at least let me post properly with you before them and not just release the early wishes into the Natter. Yes, it's all about meMeME, even other people's birthdays.)
Thank you, Nilly. I'm 47, which seems old to me.
Does anyone in NYC know a notary? I need a notary at 6:30 near Union Square.
which seems old to me
Yeah, well, but you are not old.
Also, I don't care what's the number of orbits the earth made around the sun since you were born, you're a pretty great lady.
OK, I'll go be a sap somewhere else now.
Why can't I have an intergalactic death ray? Just a
one, please? Or really, a death ray from any origin will do - inter, intra, transmultiverse, whatever you got - I'm not picky.
How's it going at work, brenda?
Okay, I gotta go nap.
I want a nap!
I slept badly last night, it's FREEZING in my office, and nobody is placing any orders.
brenda, I wish I could move you to my timezone, where Monday is over and your job is far far away beyond an ocean.
The continued use of the word "intergalactic" has earwormed me with the Beastie Boys. I hope you're all happy.
Intergalactic planetary
Planetary intergalactic
If I worked closer to the 34th St, and had some extra money, I could take a MetroNap.
[on second glance, they're not as expensive as I thought they were]