The continued use of the word "intergalactic" has earwormed me with the Beastie Boys. I hope you're all happy.
And I'm now earwormed with the Weird Al polka version of that song. I actually am kind of happy about it. I may have to pull it up on my iPod.
The continued use of the word "intergalactic" has earwormed me with the Beastie Boys. I hope you're all happy.
It's making me want an Intergalactic Gargleblaster.
nobody is placing any orders
Medium vegetarian pizza with pepperocini's and feta cheese, please.
Ah, It's the pangalactic gargleblaster.
I still want one.
Anybody got any home remedies for flying termites? (Other than, of course, calling the exterminators to come to your home)
I get the flying termite version of Fire Island about twice a year. They come, they coitus (a word?), they die. It's wicked depressing and not a little messy.
My solution is, weirdly enough, dishwashing liquid. Since mine come in from the floor, I make a perimeter of Dawn around the entrance as soon as I see the first pair of dropped wings (if I don't catch the swarm in time, I get roughly 5000 of them in about 10 minutes)
Once the front line drags themselves through the liquid, their little skeletons dissolve and their compatriots scurry away.
Works every time.
Why can't I have an intergalactic death ray? Just a leeetle one, please?
I don't have one of those handy, but I'll be happy to point an evil eye in the direction of your choosing.
The job I'm working all week is now requiring us to wear hard hats while working in the grid because a guy split his head open a couple of weeks ago. Banging heads on things has always been an issue in this place because there are too many pipes/rigging equipment/building structure at head height. The problem with hard hats as a solution is that they effectively make your head 3" bigger on all sides. Now there is constant refrain of thunk "fuck!" thunk "dammit!" My neck is sore from jerking away from things I don't usually have trouble ducking under. I'm there thru Saturday. Woo-hoo!
I realize it is a serious pain in the noggin and all that, but the moment I got to
Now there is constant refrain of thunk "fuck!" thunk "dammit!"
I burst out laughing.
Thankfully, the officemate is gone today.
Beej, this sounds brilliant. Since they're all coming from a (relatively) small opening in the side of my windowsill, maybe I'll tape a dish-soap-soaked glob of paper towel to cover it. That way they can't fly out, and if they try to eat it they'll get all dead-like. Or I'll just squirt half the bottle in there and listen to them scream.
(And I feel much better about my attack, since I had nowhere near those numbers... still icky squicky though.)
Or I'll just squirt half the bottle in there and listen to them scream.
They need to be coated to diediedie. But the papertowel may just hold them back without the carnage.
If you go the paper towel route. Please print "Beej says hi, suckahs!" in the side facing out. I'll enjoy that.