You really must take a look at the Republican Party of Minnesota Permanent Platform. It's full of interesting goodies.
There are 19 items in the section on civil rights: ten of them are various permutations of "NO ABORTION!"; two are against gun control; one is to protect people from being forced to join labor unions; one promotes the public display of the Ten Commandments; and one is a commendable condemnation of torture and slavery, but with an annoying qualifier.
Condemning religious, political and ethnic persecution in any country, specifically the oppression, slave labor, torture and murder of religious believers.
I guess oppression, slave labor, torture and murder of the godless warrants only a "meh."
Oh, they also include some pro-creationism stuff.
The Republican Party of Minnesota Permanent Platform crashed my browser! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil!
(Okay, all PDFs crash my browser on this computer. But still!)
one promotes the public display of the Ten Commandments
I always wonder what the same people who want the Ten Commandments displayed in government buildings would say about a display of exerpts from the Qu'ran in government buildings.
I always wonder what the same people who want the Ten Commandments displayed in government buildings would say about a display of exerpts from the Qu'ran in government buildings.
No need to wonder -- "America was founded as a Christian nation," every time it comes up.
I am giddy today, too. I think it's just the beautiful weather. 78! Also, am loving the Miro!Google.
Spring, she is sprung!
We have an intern in the office today and he is just about the cutest thing ever. And a giant. I feel teeny next to him even in my 3 inch wedges.
Tim's video blog of the Season 3 Project Runway Auditions.
Daniel V reminices about his audition.
What's Your Food Sign?
If someone could explain to me how the produce aisle one works, I'd be much obliged.
Jessica! Top Chef was EXCELLENT last night, wasn't it?
Jessica! Top Chef was EXCELLENT last night, wasn't it?
I haven't watched it yet -- it's on the Tivo. Did something wonderful happen???
Oh, just the overall thing. . . next week looks REALLY good too.