I am giddy today, too. I think it's just the beautiful weather. 78! Also, am loving the Miro!Google.
Spring, she is sprung!
We have an intern in the office today and he is just about the cutest thing ever. And a giant. I feel teeny next to him even in my 3 inch wedges.
Tim's video blog of the Season 3 Project Runway Auditions.
Daniel V reminices about his audition.
What's Your Food Sign?
If someone could explain to me how the produce aisle one works, I'd be much obliged.
Jessica! Top Chef was EXCELLENT last night, wasn't it?
Jessica! Top Chef was EXCELLENT last night, wasn't it?
I haven't watched it yet -- it's on the Tivo. Did something wonderful happen???
Oh, just the overall thing. . . next week looks REALLY good too.
So, if you're ever feeling really unwanted? Go to an education career fair posing as a math teacher. Dayumn.
A couple school districts will be calling me. A couple more I didn't feel like standing in the LOOOOONG line for, so they lose. Boston Public Schools wants me to fill out a thing online before they'll really do anything. L.A. wanted me to sign an early commitment contract and wanted to know how soon I'd be available. Wowza! Also, I got more pens than you can shake a stick at, a crappy tote bag from Newark Public schools, a couple letter openers from Las Vegas (mostly, I was thinking, "Ooh, CSI!") and a neck cord from NYPS. Fun!
Alas, coverage of the parts of the US not on the East Coast was slim, but I could have had my pick of school districts in Georgia and Florida! Too bad I didn't want to.
Oh, just the overall thing. . . next week looks REALLY good too
Awesome. I've had so much else going on this week, I probably won't get to watch until the weekend.
Also, I got more pens than you can shake a stick at, a crappy tote bag from Newark Public schools, a couple letter openers from Las Vegas (mostly, I was thinking, "Ooh, CSI!") and a neck cord from NYPS. Fun!
Yay, freebies that could all be used for grisly murders!
'Cept maybe the tote bag. Well, you did say it was crappy.
'Cept maybe the tote bag. Well, you did say it was crappy.
Are you suggesting its function may be improved as a storage unit for a severed head?