Plei, can you remember what it was? I read something about it in the last week, and it said something about not wanting the baby to associate the trauma of birth with mom's voice. And I can see that as an argument for a silent delivery (like you, I mostly turned inward during my deliveries, but with Ben's delivery, there were a few, "Oh God" and "I want my mother" comments). It wouldn't convince me, but I could see the rationale, at least. I cannot see it as an argument for the mother's silence for a week or two (or however long it is) after the birth.
I think she said something about how noises are fine, but not to be negative, and the people supporting you (doctors, spouses, etc) should be quiet and not barking orders to push and stuff for the reasons you gave. I think she may have also debunked the silence for a week thing, but I can't recall.
I'd argue that there's been a cold civil war going on for a good 15 years or more. At minimum, since Buchanan's speech at the 1992 Republican convention.
How so? Not that I'd disagree, just curious.
and the people supporting you (doctors, spouses, etc) should be quiet and not barking orders to push and stuf
Well, that I can get behind. I think people should be nice to women who are giving birth.
I'm pretty certain Bush the Lesser is the worst president of the last 106 years. I'm shakier on the 19th century though.
I have family members who think he is a good president. Maybe even a great one, but that might have degraded. WMD? Well, all the intelligence said he had 'em. Economy, it's doing great. Deficit, doesn't matter. Health Care, things will be a lot better if congress would just cap malpractice awards. Environment, he makes sounds decisions instead of giving into hippie hype. And so on.
Gud, it's based on the deep divisions in the country, Red vs. Blue in shorthand. I see two sides that don't speak the same language and don't appear to want to because they're operating under competely different views of the world. Plus -- and I've noticed this most from the Red side, but I won't argue whether my vision is accurate or skewed -- an unwillingness to see the other side as anything resembling human. The free tossing out of words like "traitor," for example.
Current example -- Michelle Malkin facilitating -- and defending her facilitation of -- death threats against college students who dare to oppose the war in Iraq by publishing the students' phone numbers on her blog. And, of course, the death threat-ers themselves.
I date it back to Buchanan's speech because of his use of the term "culture war." The situation may have begun earlier, but at that point it became obvious that war had been declared. And, since that speech was given at the convention of one of the two major political parties, it becomes hard to write that view off as the raving of a kook without a following.
Environment, he makes sounds decisions instead of giving into hippie hype
And trees create carbon monoxide.
Environment, he makes sounds decisions instead of giving into hippie hype
And trees create carbon monoxide.
Carbon monoxide? That's the least of the factors behind Bush's environmental decisions. Once he heard about Ents, he declared all trees to be terrorists.
If a woman has junk in her trunk and muscular thighs, that'll change.
You mean like me?
But I like the silhouette at that length. If the material didn't come back under, but was instead supported by mini crinolines or something, I wouldn't even bother make excuses for liking it. Longer, there's drape, and that's ugly.
As for the unattractive men...Carrot Top needs to be higher on the list. When Gilbert Godfried speaks in his normal voice, he's merely funny looking, and not notably unattractive. Roberts Patrick and Englund? Come on! Also, I've had the hots for Scottie Pippen for forever. Lie in bed and think of his deftness with a basketball. He could get hotter. Speaking of lying in bed and thinking of things--thinking of Adama and Castillo certainly does favours for Edward James Olmos.
I wonder if the guys who wrote that were straight. Either way, odd choice of author.