I really think its more along the lines of if you can't get a woman to rape you sub in a weak guy and call him your bitch or your wife or whatever.
Prison rape is a really complex issue. There are actual sex-needs issues. There are power issues. There are become-the-monster-so-the-monster-doesn't-get-you issues (which a concise person would have called "self-defense" issues). I don't think all or even most males who do rape in prison would have been rapists, if they'd remained free.
Hmmmm....do you mean that because he's too much like the frat boys just by being a boy that the frats wouldn't want to oppress someone that they could, conceivably, identify with?
I know you didn't ask me, but I'm just chiming in on the stripper v. pizza boy as likely victim comparison, here.
Most humans self-identify as heterosexual. Frat boys are no exception. They're not imprisoned. And neither gay nor straight frat boys are prevented from seeking sexual satisfaction with people of the sex they find attractive (unlike het prisoners in single sex environments).
On top of that, being in a frat is a voluntary membership. Imprisonment in involuntary. The stripper vs. the pizza boy as a likely target for Frat-boy gang rape topic is pretty much not going to go anywhere too meaningful.
Male circumcision doesn't rate an awful lot higher than female circumcision in a lot of places too, but I assume you have no problem with that?
If you're daring to compare one to the other, I have to recuse myself from Natter for awhile, else one of us is going to end up dragged into Bureau for a fine warning, and that person will be me.
If you're daring to compare one to the other,
I'm afraid I am.
I'm perfectly willing to leave it here, but I was simply extending the example you used to point out how the social milieu one is brought up in and exposed to informs one's ideas of 'right' and 'wrong'.
IO (noncontroversial) N
I was googling my last name with "Sweden" to see how popular my last name is in the homeland
Scandinavian governments keep track of absolutely everything. Åström is the 91st most common name in Sweden and 8740 Swedes claim it.
Jars, I think they're not comparable, because the male sex organ isn't mutilated in a successful circumcision. Circumcised males still feel sexual pleasure, and can climax, and sex isn't painful for them, because they've been circumcised. That's why it's not too useful to equate them.
Cutting off a clitoris is akin to cutting off a penis. Not a foreskin. I'm sorry that you don't see the difference, and think you're incredibly wrong.
Cutting off a clitoris is akin to cutting off a penis. Not a foreskin. I'm sorry that you don't see the difference, and think you're incredibly wrong.
I wasn't using the actual physical consequences as an example; I was pointing out how these things are viewed by society. I'm sorry if I was misinterpreted.
I was pointing out how these things are viewed by society. I'm sorry if I was misinterpreted.
You don't think that the society's views of them are tied to the physical consequences?
If you want to compare apples to apples, I don't know of a single culture that is okay with cutting off a penis.
Take the women away, and he'll probably suffer a rapid demotion. Unless it's blacks or kids or Jews or foreigners or the elderly.
But specifically raped?
And if you're raping the blacks or Jews, etc. you're raping the women. Even if the men are weak and handy as long as there are women* its the women that are raped.
- all of this with the 'vast vast majority of the time' codicil.