Yup, that's her. Did you know there are a bunch of Incryptid-verse stories on Seanan's website available for download? There's a set of stories about Fran and Jonathan Healy, a few with Alice and Thomas and a set with the current generation.
I know she has a bunch of short works out there, but haven't had the chance to pursue them. I did really like the sea witch story at the end of one of the Toby books and absolutely loved the Arden story at the end of the most recent Toby book (soon to change tomorrow - yay!). The fallout from that will be interesting. I can't wait to see how Toby reacts to some of it
namely Cassie becoming a part of the court.
Also, a note to Jilli. I think you will love May Daye in the Toby Daye series. She's so perky goth.
Ok, I'm kind of about to be the annoying person bookstore people hate, but I ran out of money at the bookstore a few months ago and thought I'd remember the title or author but I don't. I remember it was a UK novel with a street scene on the cover and the storyline is about a man and woman who run into each other in multiple lives...does this sound familiar to anyone?(thought maybe another 'ffista might have one and say "Oh, yes,(title) I liked that one, too.)
Doesn't ring a particular bell for me, Erika, but you might head over to Goodreads and post it on the "What's the Name of That Book?" discussion.
Guess what I will be doing rather than working as much as possible today? Alas, not driving to Philly, which would be best. Next best, finally reading Horizon!
Stupid first day of stupid new job. I have books to read!
ARGH, the audiobook won't be out until the end of October! Do I break my rule about format-mixing within a series, or do I ask the Studios folks if they can slip me a pre-release mp3? (Note: waiting is not on the list of options.)
End of October! Madness.
ETA: if that is a plea for advice, whichever is faster...
Fastest would be to buy the Kindle and have it in 20 seconds, but my inner type A really wants to continue the series in audio since that's how I've read it so far. And I don't think the Invisible Library books will sustain me another month. (I have a loooooooooooong commute. I can churn through a 15-hour book in 7 days.)