I'm jealous of the ability to focus on audio books. I've only tried a couple times, but I get distracted and realize I am not paying attention.
Annoyed that work is keeping me from my Nook. I have only managed to get enough time for one chapter. Stupid having to work for a living.
Frustrating, but true: I have a day where I can't read and my husband is sending me texts with each chapter he finishes. At least my kiddo has gymnastics until 9 pm tonight so I will have a couple of hours to read then. Yo, Cousin! Next time I need a release day where there are no meetings with the Provost!
I pre-ordered my copy from Powells, and got an e-mail yesterday that it shipped.
I don't know when it will arrive, but I've got plenty of reading material to hold me until then.(Am currently reading The Brightest Fell)
Ha ha ha! At Rittenhouse Square! Surprise achieved!
You guys this whole thing brightened my entire week.
Jess - my understanding is the delay is a twofold thing - partly coordinating Raviv's and Kristine's schedules. I am so sorry it's not out on time.
Sparky - he was texting you chapter by chapter?!? Why he no do this to me. I love hearing where people are. Mostly :)
If this should go in natter, I can move - or delete. I might delete anyway., but I have a bit of stalker - he earned himself a safecom black mark at one con this spring, after buying [firstbook], getting me to sign it, and then deciding that meant I was his now. Or something. He's popping up on Facebook posts about the launch, and probably was the source of my first amzn review (which is a gem). So thank you, this on top of a bunch of other stuff? Made the past few posts even brighter and more heartwarming than usual.
Ugh on the stalker. I'm sure you're taking care of it, but I just have to say please take care of yourself. Safety is more important than pride.
Also, does anyone have a safe site to ahem ePubs? I have books I want to reread that I already own (wrinkle in time, handmaids tale), plus I hate be a slave to a particular format like Kindle. I'd be happy to pay for an unrestricted ePub, but such a thing does not seem to exist. Any thoughts?
I have those in ePub, Vortex. I can email them to you. I've been collecting various ones that I have in less convenient paper format. Addicted to my Nook these days.
Calibre is really easy to use, and converts from every format to every other format, BTW. If it's something you want to mess with.
Dana, did you say earlier or somewhere else that the de-DRM function was broken as of a new kindle for computer update?