I pretty much love everything Seanan McGuire writes and consume it as soon as it's finished. For anyone starting the Toby Daye books, though, be aware that the writing gets a lot better after the first book. That may have been her first book, actually. I just know that I wasn't sold at first and fell in love with the series after I read 2 and 3.
Yeah, the first Toby book was a slog for me, mainly because it was also an info dump as I think I said at one point. But it WAS fun to re-read after reading the whole series. I love her "family" now and who ever said Connor was a drag was right on the money. Never got the appeal.
I finally allowed myself to order Skullduggery: Resurrection from the UK. I live the way their email tells me my shipment has been dispatched. So much fancier than shipped.
BTW, for Seanan McGuire fans, but Sparrow Hill Road is basically a stealth InCryptid novel. It's more about supernatural than fantasy creatures but if the heroine isn't the Aunt Rose we've heard about but not met yet, I'll eat my hat.
No Aeslin mice so far, sadly.
t heart
Becky Chambers.
That is all.
Actually, looking at the first Alex Price book briefly, where they mention Aunt Rose's last name, this is definitely her.
I Becky Chambers.
Does she have a new book out??
No, I just read A Closed and Common Orbit. So good!
Yup, that's her. Did you know there are a bunch of Incryptid-verse stories on Seanan's website available for download? There's a set of stories about Fran and Jonathan Healy, a few with Alice and Thomas and a set with the current generation.
Interesting article about an author's scam to get on the NYT best seller list [link]
On sale today, "A Morbid Taste for Bones", the first Brother Cadfael mystery; "Grey Mask", the first Miss Silver mystery; and "Gaudy Night."