Just read
Sweet Bitter
by Stephanie Danler.
It's like. . . the tale of a slack life that revolves around working at a restaurant. Of course, my slack life revolved around a crappy office job that I wasn't actually good at. . . and it wouldn't make an excellent coming of age novel.
Just read Sweet Bitter by Stephanie Danler.
I read that a few months ago, and I didn't get why it got so much buzz. The learning about fine dining stuff was fine, the coming of age stuff and any attempt to be lyrical made me cringe.
I just didn't understand why the main character even went to New York. . . to work in fine dining? (And party?) I may be too far away from 22 to understand. . . or possibly too much of an introvert to ever have found that enticing.
I'm finally cracking open the newest Mercy Thompson novel. Hopefully ltc take a long nap.
I finished
The King of Attolia
yesterday, which is the sequel to
The Queen of Attolia,
which is the sequel to
The Thief.
I started reading them because the author is the aunt of one of my best friends, and I have Zero Regrets. I didn't LOVE the books at first, but liked them enough to keep going. Whatever the opposite of Diminishing Returns is, that's what this series has, it just keeps getting better. I put the 4th one on hold at the library and the fifth is coming out next month apparently. So I have it WAY better than my friend and her friends, who started reading them in high school and had to wait years for sequels.
Oh, yes, epic, the Attolia/Eddis books are awesome. Cannot wait for the next one: I think I preordered it already.
And I loved the first one too, because it's so sneaky. The others are sneaky too, but in different ways.
I'm working at the library bookstore for the first time since ltc was born. The actual store, rather than shelving when it is closed, which I've done several times. I've been here a half hour and already found 3 book and convinced a nice couple to buy The Underground Railroad.
I just finished His Majesty's Dragon. It was tremendously fun. I went and bought the sequel the moment I finished the first one.
So, the Skulduggery Pleasant series ended after book 9 a couple of years ago. But wait! There's a new book coming out June 1 in the UK! SO EXCITE!
Man, I still have to read those! I have the first one on my Kindle, but I always forget that I have books on there.