For those of you not on lj.....a crosspost.....
Well, the shit hit the fan in our house on Sunday. Both girls got caught in a bunch of lies. But each girl handled the situation differently and here lies a glimpse into the character of each.
K-Bug faced the music and has been dealing with the situation and consequences. There has been crying and heartbreak and difficult conversations. But she has hung in there and dealt with the people affected by her actions. While K-Bug is still in trouble, she benefits greatly in comparison.
C ran. She had plans for Sunday and her ride showed up right as the discovery was made. Instead of staying and dealing, she left. It was all too much at once and I didn't realize letting her go was not the best choice. When she returned she brought her mom with her and instead of dealing with the situation, she said she wanted to move back to her mom's. Mom is staying with a friend as she does not have her own place, but she has been away from the abusive boyfriend for 2 months. Sunday we decided to sleep on it and talk again Monday night to decide what was going to happen. We did tell her that if she moved out, it was over, there was no going back. No second chance at a guardianship.
So last night we reconveined, and both C and her mom reiterated that C wanted to move out. She has not taken one ounce of responsiblility for the problems that arose Sunday and is running away from them. Her mom is aware of the situation that set this off, but is saying she can handle it. As yet, neither of them have involved C's father, though if they don't soon, I will...make DH call.
So, C will be moved out by the weekend.
I have not fully processed all that has happened or decided how I feel about this. I am hurt and feel as though we have been used. I'm glad that this happened BEFORE the legal side was finalized. I know, in my heart, that we did everything we could to help her and she is throwing it away with both hands. I'm completely disappointed in C, as I thought she was a stronger and more mature than this. But if she is going to run the first time things get hard and she is going to give up all that we were trying to offer - then good riddance. I don't need that kind of poison or influence in my house.
Thank you to all who have supported us though this process. It is not over yet, but your well wishes and kind words meant a lot to me. To those of you who met C, thank you for your generousity in welcoming her into your life, even for a few minutes. I truly feel she is making the wrong choice, but am powerless to help her anymore.