Thanks all. And thanks Trudy.
I'm trying hard not to get petty, which is where my brain is trying to go right now. I've turned off her phone aleady and DH has started taping up some boxes for her. She has not spent the last two nights at our house and part of me wants to say she is not welcome to spend the rest of the week either.
{{{{MG}}}} Sorry, sweetie. i'm so sorry.
I am so sorry, MG. I wish there were a magic wand to make C realize how much she is giving up, but hopefully some of what you've given her will stick.
Well, juliana. The house will be much quieter, that is for sure.
Don't dwell on "used," Maidengurl. Just because it's all going pear-shaped now doesn't mean that your love and support wasn't of value to C. Of course it hurts you terribly. But better she was cared for you by a little rather than not at all.
It's not petty to feel that way. It might be petty to
that way (it might not be, I'm sure you'll make the right call).
Maybe try (for your own good as much as hers or anyone elses) to remind youreself that you are coming at this from a place of love. You aren't acting out of cruelty or spite, you are doing the best you can for the people you love. You can remind them of that even.
I'm sorry things didn't work out well, MG. I'm glad you were able and willing to try to be there for C, but I'm sorry she wasn't able to meet you there.
Maidengurl, my heart breaks for you, and K-Bug, and C. I think you absolutely and completely did the right thing- and I share your relief that this happened before the guardianship. I am sure that your temporary guardianship did help her, and will continue to help her. You showed her a different way, a healthy way and that will stay with her and guide her as she continues down her own path. Someday she will learn that she cannot run away from every unpleasantness, and perhaps this particular situation may start this process, sooner or later.
I'm so sorry that your own trust was violated and that you feel used. Peace to you and your family this week. I hope you get some rest soon.