Lots of good fic posted this week.
Here's one of them. Stargate, end of the world, post-Lost City. Fabulous dialog. Jack and Daniel and ice.
I need to track down all the Day After Tomorrow challenge stories, see what's good.
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Lots of good fic posted this week.
Here's one of them. Stargate, end of the world, post-Lost City. Fabulous dialog. Jack and Daniel and ice.
I need to track down all the Day After Tomorrow challenge stories, see what's good.
Destina and Hal posted their J/D ficathon entries today, as well.
If you've been waffling about VividCon:
Our membership cap is 100, and we currently have 80 registrations. If we hit 100 registrations we'll start a waiting list.
If you're registered but haven't paid, and we hit 100, you'll be shifted to the waiting list to make room for paid registrations.
Meanwhile, there's another good reason to register and pay soon: this is the last month to get your Vividcon membership at the current price ($65 by check, $70 by Paypal). On July 1, the price rises to $75 regardless of payment form.
To register, go to http://www.vividcon.com/reg.shtml. Once you submit your registration you'll be sent to the payment page.
If you've registered but still need to pay, you can go straight to http://www.vividcon.com/payment.shtml.
Y'all reading Minnow's Things Left Undone series? She just posted another piece.
And that new piece?
Best one yet.
Murder death killed me.
One of the things I love about Minnow's writing (she's been ficcing for at least five years, and we became good friends back in XF when she wrote as Maria Nicole) is the absolure surety of it. I never get the sense that she's stumbling around, unsure of the voices, unclear where she's going. She may take a leisurely path to get somewhere, but it's always always confident and clear.
If you're ever looking for some wonderful but not shmoopy little Mulder-Scully UST, find "The Opposite of Impulse". Simply lovely. And "Sedimentation". And "Subcutaneous", which is a marvelous mytharc story.
I just read Jane St. Clair's Denser Still the Snow , a BTVS/DS cross over.
It's ...wow...y'all have to read this.
Yeah, it's lovely.
I've read a ton of good stuff tonight. Yahtzee wrote Syd/Weiss, for one.
Okay, I need to have a teeny rant, and it is not worth actually having somewhere where it would lead to a conversation with people I don't know. So I'ma just gonna rant a touch here, get it out of my system, head off temptation at the pass.
Dear person (no, not you, but one of the people who replied): The fuck? Fandoms have different ways in which they use common fannish vocabulary. If you want to say "that is a stupid way to use that term," fine. If you want to use the term in whatever way you prefer, and are willing to accept the fact that you will thus end up confusing some people, fine. No, really, that's not a pissy fine, that's a "sure, whatever, be happy with your fannish life" fine. But please not to be saying, in a dismissive and snotty manner, that the fandom in question is going to have to learn your usage. 'Cause you know what? We don't. Screw you, and don't try to tell me what to do.
Why am I feeling so possessive? Why do I care about this? Why does anybody care about this? How could anyone get seriously upset and pissy about ways in which different fandoms use the term "ship"? I mean, come on!
...I'm gonna post my vid post and then go eat fresh local strawberries. Mmm, strawberries. Strawberries don't try to be the Grand High Ruler of Fandom.
Aw, Katie. Are the crazy SG folks bothering you again?
SG has the weirdest pairing and genre classification system. 'Ship means het, but not just any het. Like, Jack/OFC would be het, but not ship, like Jack/Sam. I have no earthly idea if they call Janet/Daniel het or ship. And 'ship' cannot be used for slash pairing under any circumstances. Plus, there's 'smarm' (or is it 'swarm'?) which is subclassification of slash, I think, and I *still* don't know exactly what it means. Or maybe it's a subclassification of hurt/comfort. Oy, my head.