The feedback through email, she's a dying breed.
Ain't it the truth. Sigh.
What I like about GO is that it's a multi-fandom archive. I've never gotten much/any feedback from it, but I like that the list exists and that the caliber of writing on it is very high, in general. I read a fair amount of other fandoms off of it.
Other than Dana's fics, and her and shrift's recs are there any other *good* Luke and Lorelai fics out there? Or am I just beating my head against a wall?
There are a few...oh, but if you've read my recs, you've seen them. Um.
There's a new archive at, but considering I gave them archiving permission like a month ago, and my stuff still isn't up there, it's not a great sign.
I was pretty much thnking that if you haven't reced it, it probably wasn't there. Why oh why do I like romantics pairing fic with so little well-written (Luke/Lorelai, Pacey/Joey, Josh/Donna, and previously Buffy/Spike).
If I were writing inclines, it is enough to make me start. But I really just want to read.
OTOH, I think "romantic" fic has ruined me for alot of romance novels. A lot of the romantic fic out tthere is just as good as/better than the romance fiction out there, and I don't have to pay for it.
Paying for it just takes the romance out of it.
You've actually got a decent chance with Josh/Donna, if you're still interested.
I'd be interested in Josh/Donna...
victoria p. has the rec page you want to check out, then.
Woo Hoo! Thank ye Dana, Queen amoung fanfic recommenders!
I tuned into BBC News in the car this morning just in time to hear them doing a segment on manga. Specifically, the part about yaoi. It was interesting, since I only really know the terms and next to nothing about actual manga and yaoi.
They spoke to a "yaoi" expert who said that in yaoi, the men are "not gay, but in love with each other" and that girls are generally interested in yaoi because "they're interested in sex, but also rejecting their own sexuality."
Yaoi sounds like less fun than slash, I gotta say.