One of the very first DVDs I ever bought. I watched it on AMC a couple of years ago, and loved it.
(It was great! Plus I get to make fun of all the insane, stupid people in my class who wrote insane, stupid papers on it.
Oh wait that's not a good thing.)
t random has anyone used the title
Menage A Troika,
for a piece of slashy fic, I wonder?
....IWillNotWriteFicJustBecauseOfAPun. IWillNotWriteFicJustBecauseOfAPun. IWillNot.....
t /random
Suh-nerk. Um, how to phrase this most sensitively?
- Until this year, the only stories to be considered in these awards had to be nominated by the writers themselves.
- Last year, the individual running the awards won an award.
- All nominees are evaluated by judges for each category, who then choose three finalists. Until this year, the names of nominated stories that didn't make the final list were not made available, so it was not clear on what basis any of these decisions were made.
- This year the people running the awards realized that nobody was nominating anything (in their defense, the cancellation and campaign likely didn't help), and they threw open the nominations to allow any story ever posted in the fandom to be nominated.
- Authors have no control over the categories in which they are nominated.
Some months ago the woman running the campaign asked publicly for recommendations on how to make the awards better. I responded, publicly, with a list of suggestions, and pointed her towards the Spookys as an example of a better/more transparent system. Most of my recommendations were not implemented, but when I received two nominations, I decided it would be politically inappropriate to turn them down, since I'd been pushing for ways to fix the system.
t sigh
Of course, since several of the best writers in the fandom did turn down their nominations or didn't get nominated in the first place, I don't see that these awards mean that much.
Fanfic awards: and who says the internet isn't just like high school?
Google says no, Fay. Not 100%, but...
looks like you might have to write it after all....
Oh, good god. I just looked at that awards page.
On what planet is In the Company of Ghosts a novella??? I edited every word of that damned story. It clocks in at over 1000K and under no circumstances is it a novella.
t flings up hands, stomps off
On what planet is In the Company of Ghosts a novella???
That's exactly what I said to shrift when she sent me that list.
Oh, good god. I just looked at that awards page.
Not only that, but... but...
t splutter
What in the bleeding hell is a "Best Ad-Lib Category"? And why have "Best Romance Category" AND a "Best Shippy FanFic Category"?
And! And! How on earth, in a fandom 4 years old, can you have a category for "Honorary Lifetime Achievement"?
t /splutter
In the Company of Ghosts
I read part 1 of that, but didn't read more, b/c I didn't know enough backstory (part 1 was confusing, really). But now I think I'm going to go back to it.
I started Mayaan's newest story, and then my computer crashed. THAT'S how wrong John/John is.