t random
....so has anyone used the title Menage A Troika, for a piece of slashy fic, I wonder?
....IWillNotWriteFicJustBecauseOfAPun. IWillNotWriteFicJustBecauseOfAPun. IWillNot.....
t /random
'Objects In Space'
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
t random
....so has anyone used the title Menage A Troika, for a piece of slashy fic, I wonder?
....IWillNotWriteFicJustBecauseOfAPun. IWillNotWriteFicJustBecauseOfAPun. IWillNot.....
t /random
t loving Fay
....IWillNotWriteFicJustBecauseOfAPun. IWillNotWriteFicJustBecauseOfAPun. IWillNot.....
Yes you WILL.
Suh-nerk. Um, how to phrase this most sensitively?
Some months ago the woman running the campaign asked publicly for recommendations on how to make the awards better. I responded, publicly, with a list of suggestions, and pointed her towards the Spookys as an example of a better/more transparent system. Most of my recommendations were not implemented, but when I received two nominations, I decided it would be politically inappropriate to turn them down, since I'd been pushing for ways to fix the system.
t sigh Of course, since several of the best writers in the fandom did turn down their nominations or didn't get nominated in the first place, I don't see that these awards mean that much.
Fanfic awards: and who says the internet isn't just like high school?
Google says no, Fay. Not 100%, but...
looks like you might have to write it after all....
Oh, good god. I just looked at that awards page.
On what planet is In the Company of Ghosts a novella??? I edited every word of that damned story. It clocks in at over 1000K and under no circumstances is it a novella.
t flings up hands, stomps off
On what planet is In the Company of Ghosts a novella???
That's exactly what I said to shrift when she sent me that list.
Oh, good god. I just looked at that awards page.
Not only that, but... but...
t splutter
What in the bleeding hell is a "Best Ad-Lib Category"? And why have "Best Romance Category" AND a "Best Shippy FanFic Category"?
And! And! How on earth, in a fandom 4 years old, can you have a category for "Honorary Lifetime Achievement"?
t /splutter
In the Company of Ghosts
I read part 1 of that, but didn't read more, b/c I didn't know enough backstory (part 1 was confusing, really). But now I think I'm going to go back to it.
I started Mayaan's newest story, and then my computer crashed. THAT'S how wrong John/John is.
You should read it, Steph. It's the most incredible thing.
And I talked to Max the other day and she's got 1000K of story on her hard drive. Wheeee.