Oh, good god. I just looked at that awards page.
On what planet is In the Company of Ghosts a novella??? I edited every word of that damned story. It clocks in at over 1000K and under no circumstances is it a novella.
t flings up hands, stomps off
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Oh, good god. I just looked at that awards page.
On what planet is In the Company of Ghosts a novella??? I edited every word of that damned story. It clocks in at over 1000K and under no circumstances is it a novella.
t flings up hands, stomps off
On what planet is In the Company of Ghosts a novella???
That's exactly what I said to shrift when she sent me that list.
Oh, good god. I just looked at that awards page.
Not only that, but... but...
t splutter
What in the bleeding hell is a "Best Ad-Lib Category"? And why have "Best Romance Category" AND a "Best Shippy FanFic Category"?
And! And! How on earth, in a fandom 4 years old, can you have a category for "Honorary Lifetime Achievement"?
t /splutter
In the Company of Ghosts
I read part 1 of that, but didn't read more, b/c I didn't know enough backstory (part 1 was confusing, really). But now I think I'm going to go back to it.
I started Mayaan's newest story, and then my computer crashed. THAT'S how wrong John/John is.
You should read it, Steph. It's the most incredible thing.
And I talked to Max the other day and she's got 1000K of story on her hard drive. Wheeee.
Read Maayan's new story, Steph. It's not about the slash.
I've got a friend looking for LoTR recs, non-slash. We've only got two at PolyRecs, and one is humor. Anyone have any they'd like to share?
One I came across just the other day and enjoyed a great deal is The Care and Feeding of Hobbits. by Baylor, a writer with whom I'm unfamiliar. It's actually a collection of short pieces, subtitled "Ruminations on the Little People by Boromir, Man of Gondor." Lovely hobbit stuff and lovely subtle Boromir stuff too. Well worth reading.
Hee. That's already on my to-read list, courtesy of grit kitty. I'll definitely check it out.
For those of you who remember Naked Quidditch, it seems to have been finished:
Edit: Oh, and The Care and Feeding of Hobbits was an absolute joy. Highly recommended.
Just finished the Naked Quidditch--wonderful fun, but dammit, Draco didn't get to rescue Harry or anything, sigh. I'm a twisted, twisted soul. Though I like Ginny.